Please Help,molly Pregnant .


Sir, Mr.Oldman as you said the picture was not cleare i tryed to click a better pic,
Now please tell me her condition.
please do the needfull.

Click to enlarge the image.

can anyone spot a white fungus like thing on her eye?
i cant see it.. Hm...

Try the internet? Im sure somewhere will sell a breeding trap :good:
try the Emergancys forum maybe that'll show something?
Pic is not Cleare, but better than nothing,

please tell me the first initiative ........

And Pleaase fast !

right now i don't have digi cam, so its a Vga pic.

but i think most of the frys are dead here.
get your net and lower it towards them. If they dont move they are dead. if they move they are living and hiding. :good:
Your large female is about as square as this one was at day 38, which was 4 days before her next drop.


Are those fry from the big female that you have been asking about? If it that female's fry and they are not in good health, that may indicate that she dropped her fry early. Aleem has said the female may have been ready to drop so maybe Aleem was right this time. Knox method of moving the net toward the fry to see if they move to get away from the net will help to tell you if your fry are alive. If they are alive, they need to be fed a finely powdered food like you feed the adult. I do that by just pinching a small amount of the adult food between my fingers.
:D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D :D

I have my frys in my tank !!!!
:wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub: :wub:

A very Heartly thanks to

OldMan47, Knox213 and last but not the least Harlequins. :good: :good: :good: :good: :good: :good:

Please Pray god i'll get most out of 49 Frys.
Good luck with your fry :good:

Try not to overfeed and do small water changes daily and you will find they will do well :)
he's keeping them in a 8 litre jar with a oxygen Pump

So i'd say around 50% Water chnages till he can get he's new tank sorted. :good:

how does that sound harllequins?
Yes I agree with you knox,50% w/c daily & temperature match with dechlorinated water.

Keep on top of 50% water changes daily Alind or your ammonia/nitrite will build up in that jar and harm your fry.

Try to upgrade to larger tank soon for your fry :good:
30 days before i buyed first fish ever in the history of my family,
today i have 15 adult fishes and 36 playfull fry in my home,
All because of you people, without the proper guidence and directions shown by you all it would'nt be possible.

And truly speaking, i have a affection towards you all.

There is no way i can balance what you have done for me,
And the most prestigious thing happened here is that you guys call me
I have strong Belive that all you are a very good Hearted Person in your life.

Thanks Thanks Alot.
Yes i'll do the 50% water change every day, as Knox, Harlequins, hughessomefish said.

i am feeding them
[Freeze Dried Daphnia Worm]
which is a powder,
Is it good ?

I am a brahmin by cast, and in brahmins we never even touch the non-veg,
even i still have'nt touched an egg.

But for fishes i am feeding them these non-veg products.
I have centimental mixture of feelings.

Any ways

Now it's picture time.

Fist of all let me show you my small tanks,
yes,these are very small but i took great care of them.


My fry, 36 out of 49 were alive,rest born as immature embryo .
Did i make any mistake ?



Today i brought a thermostat aquarium heater for my babys.
It cost 350 Indian Rupees.
I found this neccesory because in india it's freezing mow a days.
It automaticaly stops when the preset temperature is reached and when temperature lowers it again starts.
I had set the temperature to 26 degree.
Thats awesome Alind! I also have a molly on the way!
Cute fry :)

Mollies are veg eaters,daphnia is good for them,but you need to give them veg based powdered food also,any tropical fish flake food should be ok,i'm not sure what they sell in India :)

It is good you have got a heater in the fry tank :good:

I noticed in your larger tank the water is only three quarters of the way up your tank,why don't you fill it up near the top,this will give your fish more swimming space :)

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