Please Help,molly Pregnant .

A very young molly may only drop one or two fry. A mature molly often will drop 30 to 40 fry at a time.
I bought a SOBO internal water Filter,
for my 7 Gallon tank.

pic.Sobo Filter

It produce a Great Water Presure and just throw the fish that comes in the stream.

It Produce a Great Disturbance, So Please tell me, Should i continew with that ?

But my mollies again and again goes in the stream, looks like they are having a bubble stream ride.

But Don't Know what exactly is happening inside,

Their is writen that if less water flow isd required,adjust the flow control lever.

Please Help.
It is not unusual to see mollies playing in the water flow from a filter. I consider it a sign that they are enjoying the flow from the filter.
Sir here is the video.

please tell me what is the issue,

and also see the new filter, will be ok ?
The fish behavior looks quite normal to me. Your fish are enjoying the rapid water flow, which they often do. I did not notice any fish in that tank that would not like the high water flows from that filter.
The fish behavior looks quite normal to me. Your fish are enjoying the rapid water flow, which they often do. I did not notice any fish in that tank that would not like the high water flows from that filter.
its realy normal because my balloon and normal mollys play and go against the rapid bubbles
Thankyou !!

Now When you said that its normal, now i am tension free.
After how many days i can put my fry in the main tank ?


Can i put the 10 day's old fry with their mum and other expecting molly ?
Molly personalities vary a lot so whether the fry at 10 days would be safe with an adult is a good question. It is hard to say. If they have been growing well, they may be twice the size they were at birth. At that size they should be safe enough with well fed adults. Adult mollies seldom actually chase fry but some will eat them if a fry swims by in front of them. Those are the losses you would have if you have very small fry. If your young fish end up being OK in the tank, it will make it a bit safer for the next generation of fry. Once the adults get accustomed to fry in the tank they do not chase newborn fry much at all. A mixed age tank can end up looking very interesting with newborns swimming right up to an adult with very little danger.
Ok sir,
so i think i should wait a while more before introducing them to adults.

And one more question,

my molly is droping a white fluit from her hole just below the anal fin,

is she going to drop ?
because i feed her daphnia worm powder,thats why a diffrent excretion?

sorry to ask so many questions,

but please always remember,a month ago i did'nt even know what is a molly?
so consider me a zero in this and please help me !!
The waste that a molly produces always reflects the colors of the food it is eating. Be careful using too much live or once live food with a molly. Mollies are largely vegetarian in nature but will eat whatever you feed them. The best diet for them is very high in vegetation. I use mainly a spirulina flake food with mine.
Yipiiii !!!!!!!!

Another molly also droped her fry today !!
But one more question,
9 Black fry and one orange ?????

how it can be possible ??
I feed her spirulina fish food and Daphnia fish food Mixed.
Both in a considerable quantity.

And she give only 10 live Fry but they are very active and playing with my 13 day old fry.

Exactly they are not black but are of
greyish-Black colour.
Yipiiii !!!!!!!!

Another molly also droped her fry today !!
But one more question,
9 Black fry and one orange ?????

how it can be possible ??
Hi Alind

Livebearers can store sperm for several months and may have had other males mate her,this can show when fry are born,hence your orange colour fry :)

I feed her spirulina fish food and Daphnia fish food Mixed.
Both in a considerable quantity.

Just a bit of advice,i hope you don't mind-Try not to overfeed your fish,only give enough food that your fish can eat in a few minutes,its not good to overfeed and may affect your water quality :)

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