Please Help Me!

1. Would you buy this product?

2. If so what would be the maximum (£) you would you pay?

3. What size would you want the product to be? a) digital camera b)iPod nano c) Nintendo DS d)other
ipod nano

4. Where would you want it to fit? a) underneath tank b)inside tank c) above tank d) on the side
On the side, very discreetly

5. What weight would you want it to be? a) computer mouse b)air pump c) mp3 player d) 2 chess peices
2 chess pieces
I wouldn't buy it; sorry. My heaters has precise-enough heat settings, and have a thermometer built right into the front of it. As a safety precaution, on each tank I also have an independent thermometer. Each heater cost about $30, and my second thermometer was $1.99. I check the tanks & their temps multple times a day, so what you're proposing just seems like an unneeded expense.
Please can more of you post, I really need the information. It obly has to be this short:
Please, I'd be very grateful
1. Would you buy this product? Y/N


2. If so what would be the maximum (£) you would you pay?


3. What size would you want the product to be? a) digital camera b)iPod nano c) Nintendo DS d)other

Small as poss

4. Where would you want it to fit? a) underneath tank b)inside tank c) above tank d) on the side


5. What weight would you want it to be? a) computer mouse b)air pump c) mp3 player d) 2 chess peices

Light as poss

Other things to consider:
I think maybe you should think about having an audible alert as well as lights.
Design is important -- if it is going to be on the side of my tank I want it to look nice, not just be another black plastic box cluttering things up!

Anyway it sounds like a really interesting project -- much better than the bent acrylic letter holder I made for my GCSE in the olden days -- so good luck! :good:
Hi guys! I'm currently designing an electronic thermometer especially for fish tanks for my electronics GCSE. Hopefully it will help ameteur keepers (like myself) to notice any fluctions in the temperature of the tank using simple red, green or blue lights. If you could answer the following quiz in a post I would be very grateful as I have to do target market research to gain a good grade. I would really appreciate it! Thanks!

1. Would you buy this product? Y/N

2. If so what would be the maximum (£) you would you pay?

3. What size would you want the product to be? a) digital camera b)iPod nano c) Nintendo DS d)other

4. Where would you want it to fit? a) underneath tank b)inside tank c) above tank d) on the side

5. What weight would you want it to be? a) computer mouse b)air pump c) mp3 player d) 2 chess peices

Sorry about the vague product description but I can't make it until I get some feedback. Thanks to all of you who complete the survey. It only takes four letters and a number! Cheers!!!

1 No - id need to know what exact tem red green and blue ment. There it needs to be quite sensative to small changes. It needs to be pregrammable (so if uve got a tank thats warmer than most, its not always stuck on red, which i assume would meen danger.
It needs to fail safe- like train no light means dangerous temp. Or mb have the red as a defult, so when it goes wrong its not constantly on green.

2: If its for beginners- not over £5 as you can get themometers with the 'safe' temps marked out for a couple of quid.

3: other. as small as possible

4: inside idealy- more accurate

5: 2 chess peices sounds the best, but inside the tank it wouldnt matter too much as the water could help support it a bit.

sorry to be awkaward! Hope it goes well for you!

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