Please Help Me!


New Member
Jun 4, 2007
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Hi guys! I'm currently designing an electronic thermometer especially for fish tanks for my electronics GCSE. Hopefully it will help ameteur keepers (like myself) to notice any fluctions in the temperature of the tank using simple red, green or blue lights. If you could answer the following quiz in a post I would be very grateful as I have to do target market research to gain a good grade. I would really appreciate it! Thanks!

1. Would you buy this product? Y/N

2. If so what would be the maximum (£) you would you pay?

3. What size would you want the product to be? a) digital camera b)iPod nano c) Nintendo DS d)other

4. Where would you want it to fit? a) underneath tank b)inside tank c) above tank d) on the side

5. What weight would you want it to be? a) computer mouse b)air pump c) mp3 player d) 2 chess peices

Sorry about the vague product description but I can't make it until I get some feedback. Thanks to all of you who complete the survey. It only takes four letters and a number! Cheers!!!
1. Would you buy this product? Y/N

Yes, if my understanding of the product is correct.

2. If so what would be the maximum (£) you would you pay?

£5 - £15 depending on features :)

3. What size would you want the product to be? a) digital camera b)iPod nano c) Nintendo DS d)other

b)Smaller the better, but readable.

4. Where would you want it to fit? a) underneath tank b)inside tank c) above tank d) on the side

d) Out of plain sight.

5. What weight would you want it to be? a) computer mouse b)air pump c) mp3 player d) 2 chess peices

d) lighter the better :)

Hope this helps!
1. Would you buy this product? Y/N
As long as it shows the actual temperature as well. Y

2. If so what would be the maximum (£) you would you pay?
Whatever the equivilant of $10-$15 US dollars is.

3. What size would you want the product to be? a) digital camera b)iPod nano c) Nintendo DS d)other
B, small but readable.

4. Where would you want it to fit? a) underneath tank b)inside tank c) above tank d) on the side
Wireless would be really awesome, but D would work.

5. What weight would you want it to be? a) computer mouse b)air pump c) mp3 player d) 2 chess peices
C would be fine.

Hope I helped. :good:
1. Would you buy this product? Y/N

Yes, if I ever get a bigger aquarium.

2. If so what would be the maximum (£) you would you pay?

$20 U.S. dollars

3. What size would you want the product to be? a) digital camera b)iPod nano c) Nintendo DS d)other


4. Where would you want it to fit? a) underneath tank b)inside tank c) above tank d) on the side


5. What weight would you want it to be? a) computer mouse b)air pump c) mp3 player d) 2 chess peices

Welcome to the forum :)

1. Would you buy this product? Y/N

2. If so what would be the maximum (£) you would you pay?

3. What size would you want the product to be? a) digital camera b)iPod nano c) Nintendo DS d)other

4. Where would you want it to fit? a) underneath tank b)inside tank c) above tank d) on the side

5. What weight would you want it to be? a) computer mouse b)air pump c) mp3 player d) 2 chess peices
1. Would you buy this product? Y/N

2. If so what would be the maximum (£) you would you pay?

3. What size would you want the product to be? a) digital camera b)iPod nano c) Nintendo DS d)other
small as possible plz

4. Where would you want it to fit? a) underneath tank b)inside tank c) above tank d) on the side
on the front - easily visable

5. What weight would you want it to be? a) computer mouse b)air pump c) mp3 player d) 2 chess peices
c would be ok

hope this helps you and i hope you get a good grade!!!
Hi guys! I'm currently designing an electronic thermometer especially for fish tanks for my electronics GCSE. Hopefully it will help ameteur keepers (like myself) to notice any fluctions in the temperature of the tank using simple red, green or blue lights. If you could answer the following urvey in a post I would be very grateful as I have to do target market research to gain a good grade. I would really appreciate it! Thanks!

1. Would you buy this product? Y/N


2. If so what would be the maximum (£) you would you pay?

Up to £15

3. What size would you want the product to be? a) digital camera b)iPod nano c) Nintendo DS d)other


4. Where would you want it to fit? a) underneath tank b)inside tank c) above tank d) on the side


5. What weight would you want it to be? a) computer mouse b)air pump c) mp3 player d) 2 chess peices


Sorry about the vague product description but I can't make it until I get some feedback. Thanks to all of you who complete the survey. It only takes four letters and a number! Cheers!!!
Good Luck!!
thanks for you posts evryone, i'm very grateful but surely there must be more of you who can answer. It only has to be a post 5 charachters long. Thanks again though to everyone who had already posted :)
Hey there :) ,

1. Yes, If it also showed the tempreture.

2. Around £15

3. An Ipod nano's diamentions would be crackin'

4. On the side of the tank, out of sight, but easy to see.

5. The weight doesn't bother me tbh.

Hi Mowat,

1. Would you buy this product? Y/N
A. Yes
2. If so what would be the maximum (£) you would you pay?
A. £5 - £10
3. What size would you want the product to be? a) digital camera b)iPod nano c) Nintendo DS d)other
A. iPod Nano
4. Where would you want it to fit? a) underneath tank b)inside tank c) above tank d) on the side
A. Underneath in the cabinet would be nice.
5. What weight would you want it to be? a) computer mouse b)air pump c) mp3 player d) 2 chess peices
A. mp3 player would be fine.

Good luck and when you get it out on the market let us know :)

Martin :good:
. Would you buy this product? Yes
2. If so what would be the maximum (£) you would you pay? £15

3. What size would you want the product to be? a) digital camera b)iPod nano c) Nintendo DS d)other b)smaller the better!

4. Where would you want it to fit? a) underneath tank b)inside tank c) above tank d) on the side a)out of site!!!

5. What weight would you want it to be? a) computer mouse b)air pump c) mp3 player d) 2 chess peices e)lighter the better!
1. Would you buy this product? Y/N
Y - assuming it display temp and let me set the thresholds.

2. If so what would be the maximum (£) you would you pay?

3. What size would you want the product to be? a) digital camera b)iPod nano c) Nintendo DS d)other

4. Where would you want it to fit? a) underneath tank b)inside tank c) above tank d) on the side
d - long enough probe so I can choose where to put the probe.

5. What weight would you want it to be? a) computer mouse b)air pump c) mp3 player d) 2 chess peices
lighter the better.
1. Y
2. £5
3. b
4. Outside tank. No point having it in an out of sight position as then it would be more hastle to use than a thermometer stuck to the sides of the tank (and they are 99 pence or so!). As a warning system it would have to be in a place that is easily seen.
5. Light enough to stick to the side of the tank/cabinet with low strength sticky pads so it can be moved easily.

Please consider the following:

a) It's got to be easier to use than a thermometer. This is VERY important!
B) It has to be reliable.
c) Not all fish like the same temp so can the parameters be user set?
d) Having it in contact with water will push the complexity (hence price) way up. Keep the unit away from water if you want a lower price (but it should be capable of being splashed accidentally).
e) Use batteries, not mains and have a low battery warning if possible (price again?)
f) Use LEDs, not bulbs (brighter, more reliable, less power requirements)
g) Can it be used in salt/brackish/high or low pH water??
h) Enjoy the design process!!!

personally i wouldn't buy one

I'm sorry for being negative but there are already lots of products like this on the market and there are reason's i haven't bought one, best to be honest IMO!

Anything that claims to tell you when something is wrong give you a bit of reassurance about your tank meaning you don't need to worry about it or check it all the time. Sounds good so far I know however it encourages laziness in fishkeepers and encourages you to not inspect your tank for problems. Looking at your tank and each fish daily is the single most important thing you can do in disease prevention/cure, the earlier you spot a problem the more chance you have of curing it.

No product is infallible, there's always a chance of failure and say your used to just assuming the temp is fine because it'll beep at you if it isn't, then it fails and your heater fails too, so the temp drops and because you've no motivation to check the basics you don't notice it for 3/4 days. If they haven't died already the fish's immune systems would be vastly compromised by this point and therefore they are liable to develop disease, again because your relying on equipment to tell you when something is wrong you don't spot the early warning signs, and before you know it your whole tank is wiped out.

The best way to monitor temp IME is to touch your tank everyday, just when your feeding or something, you soon get used to what the temp should feel like and notice significant changes immediately, obviously keep a thermometer in there as well so you can get a more accurate reading, this simple touch can also alert you to filter failures which can be a massive problem if not spotted quickly, touch the tank or filter and you can feel a slight vibration from the filter. very very simple quick daily checks which can make a massive difference and cost you absolutely nothing

10 - 15 pounds

ipod nano

on the side

mp3 player

All the best!! :good:

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