Please help me decide which gourami

Probably because tou always kept 1 male and 1 or several females. If you had kept 2 males you would have noticed it : more or less strong quarrels ending with a boss and a dominated that hides itself, losses its male characteristics to look alike female, as neutral as possible.
Actually no, so let's not assume. In my community tanks I usually kept a group of 5-7 of several different Gouramis which usually included 2-3 males. Tanks were always well planted and no smaller than 75g. I even used to have 7 snakeskin gouramis in a 150g community tank and they all turned out to be the most docile giants to all of the tank inhabitants (except when some of the live bearers would have fry).
Trichopodus pectoralis is known for being the non-territorial gouramis...
I have bad experience with most Dwarft Gouramis keeps on dying ... even when water condition is good so yeah I steering away from Dwarf G...
I just picked up 5 Parosphromenus deissneri (Licorice Gourami). They are young now, but I hope to get at least one pair out of the group for future breeding (I guess a new 20 long to set-up for that is in my future). I've had them in the past and they were very easy to keep, fairly easy to breed and docile. My well water is almost perfect for maintaining them, but I will have to lower the pH further to breed them.

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