Please Help I Some Advice.

Anyone got any advice on green water, just finisher a 5 day blackout and it's still bad. Its a busy thread, may as well hijack it.
Just when you think you've heard it all.... Thought April fools came around early this year..
for the fish hes got in there hes going to need a heater
What plant have you got for your carpet?

I don't have a carpet its sand from garden shed and a few moth balls with a few others plants i got in there.

I keep getting told this is a joke it is not!

Here are 2 more pictures they might be a little more clear i used my phone as a light and got my friend to take a picture for me.

Basically mate everyone on this forum is saying get rid. And I agree. Angels alone need huge tanks because they grow outwards and upwards quite a bit. This tank is not even suitable for coldwater minnows. You need to spend money and get a filter, heater, thermometer and some stock such as neon tetras. BUT YOU MUST CYCLE FIRST. Donate all fish, 100% water change and read the pinned thread on fishless a cycle. If you're going to keep fish, do it properly and learn about them first. This is animal cruelty and I hope to god it is just someone's idea of a sick joke.
and playsand is fine to use, if this is not a troll you need to

take some of the fish back, is not all of them.
upgrade to a bigger tank
get a heater
get a filter
read the beginners resource center (theres a link in my sig)
He could keep some of the fish but where? He's putting a new, non matured filter in so the ammonia levels must be off the charts in there already!
This is animal cruelty and I hope to god it is just someone's idea of a sick joke.
I'll second that!

for the fish hes got in there hes going to need a heater
What plant have you got for your carpet?

I don't have a carpet its sand from garden shed and a few moth balls with a few others plants i got in there.

I keep getting told this is a joke it is not!

Here are 2 more pictures they might be a little more clear i used my phone as a light and got my friend to take a picture for me.

All that's missing from these pics are a couple of dirty needles an a bit of tinfoil.
This thread honestly shocks me. This is a beginner asking for help and I kinda feel like some of you are being too harsh. They followed the fish stores instructions. We all do in the beginning. Don't criticize them, help em!

Just take all the fish back and we will help you from there. Once you get it all cycled and ready for fish later on, you could do a Betta and some shrimp :) Or instead maybe 3 or 4 guppies and some shrimp.

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