Please Help I Some Advice.

just to be clear... apologies if i misread, any tank where you are planning to keep a fish alive NEEDS a filter, preferably one that can cope with 5x the litres of your tank per hour. lighting isnt essential unless you are planing on live plants afaik. heater is a good idea, also you most definitely need a thermometer to check that gas heater isnt boiling your fish.
just to be clear... apologies if i misread, any tank where you are planning to keep a fish alive NEEDS a filter, preferably one that can cope with 5x the litres of your tank per hour. lighting isnt essential unless you are planing on live plants afaik. heater is a good idea, also you most definitely need a thermometer to check that gas heater isnt boiling your fish.

I have a few moth balls they are live plants right? As for a filter the tank does not have one yet my granddad said and he has kept fish for years without one and they were fine.
just to be clear... apologies if i misread, any tank where you are planning to keep a fish alive NEEDS a filter, preferably one that can cope with 5x the litres of your tank per hour. lighting isnt essential unless you are planing on live plants afaik. heater is a good idea, also you most definitely need a thermometer to check that gas heater isnt boiling your fish.

I have a few moth balls they are live plants right? As for a filter the tank does not have one yet my granddad said and he has kept fish for years without one and they were fine.

Fine isn't the same thing as happy. People often confuse the two. "Fine" means still swimming and eating.
just to be clear... apologies if i misread, any tank where you are planning to keep a fish alive NEEDS a filter, preferably one that can cope with 5x the litres of your tank per hour. lighting isnt essential unless you are planing on live plants afaik. heater is a good idea, also you most definitely need a thermometer to check that gas heater isnt boiling your fish.

I have a few moth balls they are live plants right? As for a filter the tank does not have one yet my granddad said and he has kept fish for years without one and they were fine.

IF you are serious (and i geniunely dont know what to believe here) your grandad is keeping fish who are very unhappy and swimming in toxic water.
This has to be a wind up!!!

i think you might be right......surely this isnt for real
just to be clear... apologies if i misread, any tank where you are planning to keep a fish alive NEEDS a filter, preferably one that can cope with 5x the litres of your tank per hour. lighting isnt essential unless you are planing on live plants afaik. heater is a good idea, also you most definitely need a thermometer to check that gas heater isnt boiling your fish.

I have a few moth balls they are live plants right? As for a filter the tank does not have one yet my granddad said and he has kept fish for years without one and they were fine.

Fine isn't the same thing as happy. People often confuse the two. "Fine" means still swimming and eating.

My Granddads were eating and swimming just fine, he got 2 pleco's to clean the water and tank, the tank always looked crystal clear so they must have been doing a good job. His other tank (he had many) was fine and a similar size to mine He had 1 pleco and a few goldfish and some other fish with big eyes that was black in the tank again swimming and eating. He told me i should get another pleco to help clean the water if i am not getting a filter but i don't like the look of them.
for the fish hes got in there hes going to need a heater
plecos are one of the messiest fish around, yeah they may eat some algae but they will poo at least twice what they eat and cause the water to be even more toxic. just cause its clear doesnt mean its safe. also plecos do not clean the water, the only thing that makes water safe is beneficial bacteria which lives in the filter.
Plecos DO NOT clean the water. They create more waste than anything. PLEASE listen to us, assuming this is real. Those fish CANNOT live like that. Another pleco will only add to the problem. If you don't change what you have now the fish won't last long.
all those fish in a 19L with no heater or filter and no maintenence routine, ...........this screams troll to me
The op's profile says he is 16yrs old yet he claims his SON wants more colorful fish. Obvious fake or a future guest on jeremy kyle.

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