Please Help! Finley Still Hasn't Eaten And It's Been 14 Da


New Member
Mar 27, 2006
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Hi All,
I posted about Finley a week or so ago and he is still no better. On the 23 "Finley" stopped eating and hasn't touched anything since. He did have a couple of days there that he would lunge at the bloodworms I tried but never managed to get one in his mouth??? Now he pays no attention at all to anything I try. I have tried flakes, pellets, bloodworms, lettuce and green peas with no luck. Unfortunately his diet was mostly bloodworms before I found out they would cause a problem. He alternated between lying half on his side on the bottom and hanging at the waterline. He is almost in the shape of an "s" and not straight bodied like he used to be. The only other thing I see is one gill doesn't close completely and he has turned a wierd gray color under his belly/gills. I treated him with Tri-sulfa just in case it was gill disease but the gill area never looked inflamed so I probably did more harm than good His personality has totally changed, too. He was a VERY social fish and always came to show off at the front of the bowl when you came in the room. He went through a spell that he hid any time anyone came in. Now he will sometimes come to the front but just sits there sideways at the water line. When I change his bowl he does these unreal laps around the bowl. I didn't know a fish could swim that fast! He makes 3 or 4 laps hugging the side of the bowl and then settles down and goes back to the top and hangs there. I know he is starving to death and don't know what to do... Can anyone offer any help or is euthanasia the next step? I have only had him about 6 months so I doubt he is too old...but who knows? Thanks!
wow finley has gotten me confused! What do you think may have caused finley to lose his appetite? I hope you find the solution to this problem. :/
:/ keep putting topic to the top of the threads and edit your first posting and put HELP in title. you need someone with lots more knowledge...good luck!! :good: :good:
I have searched the web endlessly and find nothing that I think explains what is going on with him... I just hope someone here may have had a similar experience with one. This morning I offered him a tiny bit of cucumber and teeny bits of lettuce. He just swam right under them and gulped air, then right back to where he was .. :(
Nothing really jumps out at me besides internal parasites but he really isnt showing any other symptoms besides not eating. Curious, very Curios
I just got home after being out all day. Finley is doing those crazy laps around the bowl going 90 miles an hour and then will drop to the bottom of the bowl, roll half onto his side and gulp for air. He looks terrible. I wonder if he is going to be here in the morning... Is this normal behaviour when a Betta is dying?
I just got home after being out all day. Finley is doing those crazy laps around the bowl going 90 miles an hour and then will drop to the bottom of the bowl, roll half onto his side and gulp for air. He looks terrible. I wonder if he is going to be here in the morning... Is this normal behaviour when a Betta is dying?
Poor Finley. I have no idea what.. That sounds a bit like he's dying.. :/ But when Cabaret was dying, he couldn't even swim to the top for air.
I've heard of bettas doing that before because they get frustrated at something, Parasites can be something to get frustrated about but I dont know.
Guess what just reared it's ugly head??? VELVET! I spoke with a fish store owner today that is pretty knowledgable about Bettas. He seems to think the tap water PH is too high and causing him stress and actually about killed him. I am doing a slow change over to spring water tonight and hopefully...if he survives that... I can treat him for the velvet. Wish me luck! ;)
Good luck, Hope your fish gets better. I knew he was frustrated about something. :sad:
Finley didn't make it through the night... :no: The lfs sold me a product called "General Cure" for the velvet and as soon as I put it in his water he went to the bottom and that is where I found him this morning. I don't think he ever moved again! I am really upset. He seemed to be perking up and was even coming to the front of the bowl yesterday... I feel like he trusted me and I killed him. It's a horrible feeling and I miss him. Thanks for everyones help,
I'm so sorry he didn't make it :-(

He was probably so sick that the meds just took him over the edge. You can't blame yourself, you did everything you could.

RIP Finley :-(

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