Please Delete This Thread...

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Sorry nuke, but I'm with the others on this one. Andy and I haven't always seen eye to eye - but he was there to help when no-one else was once for me, and he always tells it how it is - instead of fannying about to try and keep friends.

Andy is a valuable contributor to the board and no-one, even you, has the right to say they speak on behalf of everyone and tell him to leave. That was incredibly rude.

I dont want him to leave for one. And I'm one of no doubt many who completely disagree with your suggestion.
I think this thread is great. I don't know who's right but as previously stated. I think this thread is great.
It appears to be nothing more than peoples egos getting in the way when taking advice.

Its just advice, get over it.

There is an established way of 'doing things' for each species, and when someone ignores the 'general rules' of caring for them, people are going to mention, and bring up WHY things are that way, just be happy someone is willing to try and help..
I was thinking about how idiotic I was in this entire thread today and I would like to take this moment to apologize to Andy as well as anyone else I may have "attacked". Sadly, I got caught up in the moment and frustrated.

I am sorry and will keep my temper down :good: :blush:
triple ugh!!! :good:

Disagreements and arguments about fish-care on a forum is normal i think

Bad feeling or emotions about a thread is just taking life too seriously in my view (not a go at you, general comment about the thread)

EDIT; i been there too, got annoyed or upset with a comment on a "fish forum" its easily done, its just when you look at it in the "bigger picture" its actually quite bizaare to get emotional responses from a Forum Thread (except if it was world hunger or some other disaster - it would make sense to be emotional) but its not its about FISH, we all care about our fish (i hope) but at the end of the day its a hobby and a past-time for the vast majority of us. To get an attachment to a thread that results in an emotional response is "taking life too serious", i myself have worked to overcome such issues and i train in a field thats relevant to such a comment, so i am trying my hardest not to "speak out my backside", ok here come the funny comments form you guy's now!!! :good:
I agree, everyone got a little carried away, myself especially.
i hope you saw my edited reply Nuke, i didnt want to seem a hyprocrit, so i extended my post :good:
i hope you saw my edited reply Nuke, i didnt want to seem a hyprocrit, so i extended my post :good:

You are most likely going to be lynched for calling fish keeping a pass time... :lol:

well let the lynching begin, fortunately i dont take life so seriously that it will affect me if they do try the old "lynching routine", thats not related to you by the way that comment

Well it is a past-time at the end of the day surely

LOL - i got this definition of Past Time off google, check it out (doesnt relate to this thread at all, but what the heck!!!)

a diversion that occupies one's time and thoughts (usually pleasantly);
Lmao@ Flumpus

This thread was another example of good advice given in a seemingly harsh tone ( even though there is no tone on the internet :blink: )

the quote is well worth reading again!!!

LOL - good point

but, where you have "words", "sentences" and "opinions" and you throw in the old "human mind", you end up with a "tone" and "aggro" :nod:

i think the formula goes something like this

Forum Post + Human Mind + Emotional (no matter how small) Attachment to thread + an opinion you dont "like"

= problems, arguements, slagging off, bitterness and upset

Now i am no Maths wizard, but i am sure the above adds up!!!!!!

PS - all said in Jest (i.e. Friendly Banter Peeps!!!!!!) :lol:
On the bandwagon late here i suppose, but saying 'billions of people keep goldfish in bowls ergo your tank isnt overstocked' is a logical fallacy to the extreme. Saying one negetive thing isnt negetive because of completely unrelated negetive events is totally bunk.

Yes people overstock tanks.
Yes you see this everywhere.
No, that doesnt make it right.
I hate to say it and I don't want to step on anyones toes....but being a new member and seeing this thread made me feel a little wary of this forum. People need to breath a little and not bicker back and forth on the threads. If you have a problem with someone you should be taking it to private messages. No need to clog the boards with "he said" "she said" nonsense.
FWIW I think the tank is ok. Not great, but hey it's not mine and if thats what he likes, that's what he's going to do.
Welcome to the forum loggerbomb

The issue about the tank wasn't the looks but the fish in it, the original poster had asked advice and then proceded to ignore it and was then given more advice and once again ignored it that was the issue.
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