Please Can You Sex My Keyhole Cichlid Via Youtube?

totally tropical

Fish Fanatic
May 22, 2009
Reaction score
The Boro
I have 6 keyhole cichlids and there is one that has different finnage to all others - I think I know the sex, but would like a second opinion. Please post your views/opinions on this forum or via the comments feature on youtube.

There are two vids and are focused solely on the one cichlid in question:

Thank you all
One thing I can tell is they all look good and are not stressed. If you don't have a pair in a month they are same sex. I can't tell venting would be the one way to tell for sure.
those all look very "manly" to me. ive been trying to figure out what sex the two keyholes i have are for awhile. everyhting ive seen suggests males have elongated tips to their dorsal and anal fins. so that they reach to the end of tail or longer. which after seeing yours, makes me believe mine are both female. both my fishes fins reach only to about half the length of tail. they are still under two inchs, i havent been able to find out if the males are born like that, or if they grow to be like that at a certain size.
looks like 2 males to me the dorsal fins are trailing past the caudial fin thats usually a sign they are male. Very healthy though like snow said!!
looks like 2 males to me the dorsal fins are trailing past the caudial fin thats usually a sign they are male. Very healthy though like snow said!!

Thank you for the compliments.

I think I can safely say that I have 6 males, how unlucky is that! :crazy:

I will maybe post one more video of the keyholes, but will video all 6 and maybe someone will be able to point out a female - not too optimistic as they all seem to have male characteristics.

I may just go back to the drawing board and purchase another 6 juveniles (will have to order) in the hope that I may get a pair to bond - sadly I would have to say goodbye to my current keyholes which will be a wrench as I have become so attached to them as they are lovely fish with great personalities. :angry:

I did read that females are not that easy to come by - do not know if there is much truth in that? - certainly seems to be in my case!

At the end of the day, I would love to have a breeding pair.
ive heard that too about males being common. well none of my lfs carry keyholes, so i had one of them order me two. thats all i had room for, i was hoping to get lucky. anywho, im pretty sure i got two females. so who knows. i think the best way is to find a store with them in stock and chose male and females. How big are yours?? mine are almost 2in.
Pairs are over rated. They can be more drama then fun. Do not get rid of all your fish.
Pairs are over rated. They can be more drama then fun. Do not get rid of all your fish.

Agreed I would probably say having a pair can be more damaging than 2 males

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