Please Answer This Survey


I am Nemo!!
Jul 27, 2005
Reaction score
Colorado, USA
im doing a project for school and i need atleast 20 people of various age groups. so can u guy please help me out and do this. also i need u guys to tell me what age group you are in: 11-13, 14-16, 17-20, 21-25, 26-31, 32-40, 41-55, 56+

1) Do you agree that the destruction of coral reefs is a big issue?

2) Do you think its important to protect out coral reefs?

3) Do you do your part to protect the environment from pollution and global warming?

4) Have you ever done anything to harm the environment especially the ocean?

5) Would you be willing to spend tax money to protect the environment?

6) Would you join an organization that is dedicated to protecting the environment?

7) Should people use other safer means to catch fish instead of cyanide and explosives?

8) If you had a saltwater tank would you purchase tank raised or tank bred fish intead of wild caught?

9) How about aquacultered corals and other invertebrates?

10) Do you agree that tank raised/bred fish and aquacultured corals and invertebrates are a good idea?

thanks for all your help guys!
i am 20 :D

1) Do you agree that the destruction of coral reefs is a big issue? YES

2) Do you think its important to protect out coral reefs? YES

3) Do you do your part to protect the environment from pollution and global warming? YES (i recycle and turn off lights :D )

4) Have you ever done anything to harm the environment especially the ocean? NOPE (altho i did pee in the sea once or twice :sad:

5) Would you be willing to spend tax money to protect the environment? YES

6) Would you join an organization that is dedicated to protecting the environment? NO

7) Should people use other safer means to catch fish instead of cyanide and explosives? Fish should not be harvested in such big numbers.

If you had a saltwater tank would you purchase tank raised or tank bred fish intead of wild caught? I do, and i do :D

9) How about aquacultered corals and other invertebrates? YES

10) Do you agree that tank raised/bred fish and aquacultured corals and invertebrates are a good idea? YES then that leave the free ones in the see so they dont become endangered :D

1) Do you agree that the destruction of coral reefs is a big issue? Yes.

2) Do you think its important to protect out coral reefs? Yes.

3) Do you do your part to protect the environment from pollution and global warming? Not as much as I should.

4) Have you ever done anything to harm the environment especially the ocean? I lost my glasses while swimming in the Atlantic?

5) Would you be willing to spend tax money to protect the environment? Only if you could lower sales and property taxes to balance it out?

6) Would you join an organization that is dedicated to protecting the environment? I'm already in Ducks Unlimited :D

7) Should people use other safer means to catch fish instead of cyanide and explosives? I haven't heard anyone use that in years.

8) If you had a saltwater tank would you purchase tank raised or tank bred fish intead of wild caught? Tank bread is the best, but I'll make do with what I get.

9) How about aquacultered corals and other invertebrates? Yes.

10) Do you agree that tank raised/bred fish and aquacultured corals and invertebrates are a good idea? Yes. Don't want any endangerd species.

I hope this helped.

I am 39 :blink:

1) Do you agree that the destruction of coral reefs is a big issue? Yes, although I don't think the science is clear as to the contributions of pollution, global warming and the natural cycle of things

2) Do you think its important to protect out coral reefs? Yes

3) Do you do your part to protect the environment from pollution and global warming? A bit! I walk instead of taking the car a lot!

4) Have you ever done anything to harm the environment especially the ocean? Yes, so have we all if we've been in a car or an aeroplane

5) Would you be willing to spend tax money to protect the environment? Wouldn't trust our government to spend it wisely

6) Would you join an organization that is dedicated to protecting the environment? No

7) Should people use other safer means to catch fish instead of cyanide and explosives? Yes

8) If you had a saltwater tank would you purchase tank raised or tank bred fish intead of wild caught? Where possible

9) How about aquacultered corals and other invertebrates? Again, where possible

10) Do you agree that tank raised/bred fish and aquacultured corals and invertebrates are a good idea? Yes.
Answers from a 25 year old:

1 - Obviously it is a fairly large issue if only due to the amount of life it supports. AS to the causes of destruction, that's a whole different area (nature vs nurture)

2- yes

3 - Not in the way the Green party would want, but until there is actually some definite science from an unbiased source to report on man's actual affects on the environment I will not worry overly. I do however keep most lights off to a minimum and use power saving bulbs (but then drive a sports car that barely gets 25mpg).

4 - I'm not sure. It's hard to say exactly what I have done. Especially when you look at the amount of pollution thrown out by natural sources, such as termites, cows and volcanos.

5 - Tax money? We already do. There are subsidies and grants for horrendously inefficient wind turbines (latest in-use studies from Germany estimates that they give something appaling like 6% of their rated power output). Tax incentives for different and cleaner energy would be better. The government does spend some money on the environment. Maybe not enough, but at least some.

6 - No, most are blinkered and only pick the bits of science they want for their beliefs. And most only suggest stopping doing things, they can't think of an alternative. (Not to mention so many of them just smell!)

7 - Obviously

8 - Probably not, as most of the fish I want are not tank bred (and a large number will be very hard to tank breed as they react to the lunar cycle)

9 - If I were to get into sea plants then yes.

10 - Of course, though you can run the risk of creating very weak and in bred fish such as Neon Tetras and Guppies in FW
thanks guys. the project in now finished and if i am able to i will post it up here for those of you who have microsoft powerpoint.
In case you need another one, this is from a 26 year old male

1) Do you agree that the destruction of coral reefs is a big issue?

2) Do you think its important to protect out coral reefs?

3) Do you do your part to protect the environment from pollution and global warming?

4) Have you ever done anything to harm the environment especially the ocean?
Yes, I've peed in it :D

5) Would you be willing to spend tax money to protect the environment?

6) Would you join an organization that is dedicated to protecting the environment?

7) Should people use other safer means to catch fish instead of cyanide and explosives?

8) If you had a saltwater tank would you purchase tank raised or tank bred fish intead of wild caught?
I do when the option is available

9) How about aquacultered corals and other invertebrates?
Heck yeah, they're usually cheaper ;)

10) Do you agree that tank raised/bred fish and aquacultured corals and invertebrates are a good idea?
Yes. Tend to be healthier and safer
1) Do you agree that the destruction of coral reefs is a big issue? Yes

2) Do you think its important to protect out coral reefs? Yes

3) Do you do your part to protect the environment from pollution and global warming? Yes

4) Have you ever done anything to harm the environment especially the ocean? Yes, I think we all have, I used to use hairspray, I drive a car, I used to smoke cigarettes, I drink out of plastic water bottles, etc

5) Would you be willing to spend tax money to protect the environment? Yes

6) Would you join an organization that is dedicated to protecting the environment? Vote Green!

7) Should people use other safer means to catch fish instead of cyanide and explosives? I do not think cyanide is dangerous, explosives seem counterproductive.

8) If you had a saltwater tank would you purchase tank raised or tank bred fish intead of wild caught? I do

9) How about aquacultered corals and other invertebrates? Purchase and raise

10) Do you agree that tank raised/bred fish and aquacultured corals and invertebrates are a good idea? Yes and you should all buy from me. :)

Good Luck. I'm 25.
I am 20, 21 this year, own 3 marine tanks (all "nano")..

1) Do you agree that the destruction of coral reefs is a big issue?
Yes, deffinately so, the Tsunami destroyed aproximately 70 miles of reef in indonesia, and yet this doesnt even compare to the damage done by trawling and human interference.

2) Do you think its important to protect out coral reefs?
Absolutely, I think all areas of Coral Reefs should be protected sites, either Marine National Parks or similar

3) Do you do your part to protect the environment from pollution and global warming?
Its very difficult to do much in my situation, but I certainly do what I can.

4) Have you ever done anything to harm the environment especially the ocean?
No, I would never forgive myself If I had!

5) Would you be willing to spend tax money to protect the environment?
Deffinately, I think it should be a core area of government funding.

6) Would you join an organization that is dedicated to protecting the environment?
I am a member of Green Peace, and would join other foundations if they were actively doing things rather than just saying things.

7) Should people use other safer means to catch fish instead of cyanide and explosives?
Absolutely, Cyanide is a totally idiotic way to catch aquarium fish. If you cant catch a fish it shouldnt be being sold in the aquarium trade.

8)If you had a saltwater tank would you purchase tank raised or tank bred fish intead of wild caught?
I have 3 and All but 1 of my fish are tank bred specimins. If we could get a great range of captive-bred specimins then I would ONLY buy these and not wild-caught.

9) How about aquacultered corals and other invertebrates?
I try to only buy captive farmed or fragged corals as I believe that wild-caught corals are pretty much pointless as most corals can easily be grown on farms or in in-door facilities.

10) Do you agree that tank raised/bred fish and aquacultured corals and invertebrates are a good idea?
Absolutely, as long as they arent indirectly introduced back into the sea as this could bring problems unless it is properly controlled.

4) Have you ever done anything to harm the environment especially the ocean?
No, I would never forgive myself If I had!

Sorry dude but I don't believe you. I think you are a bit naive or at best lax on your definition of hurting the environement.

Do you drive a car?

Have you used a car for transport?

What about the Underground?

Have you ever been prescribed antibiotics for being sick? Did you pee in a container for weeks and store it to avoid seeping the antibiotics back into the water supply? If you were this careful what was the container made out of?

Have you ever bought bottled water? What about Soda?

Do you where shoes? What is the sole made out of? What is that made out of?

Do you own anything that is plastic?

Do you have a TV? A cell phone? A radio?

Do you have indoor plumbing? Do you flush?

How do you do water changes? What do you pour the water down the drain instead of filtering down to 1 micron and running through a sterilization unit?

Do you pay taxes to a country that engages in warfare with other nations? Those are your tax dollars at work.

Do you have a filter on your fishtank?

Do you use electricity?

If you anwsered yes to any of these questions, or no to a couple of them, you my friend have done harm to the environment. Now don't go and jump off a cliff (would cause pollutants), or blow your brains out (those metals have to be mined), we all do it. Everyone here. I can say that for certainty because your reading this on a computer which use materials that are taken from the environment, including oil, and that create toxic parts to the environment.

We as a people have to be mindful of the damage that we do cause, and try to do more good then harm. JMO.
I do not class most of that as hurting the environment. I am not DIRECTLY hurting the environment by choosing to wear shoes with a rubber sole, I have little choice. I am not hurting the environment by using the toilet. If the water companies do not process and recycle the water properly it is THEM who are hurting the environment not me.

The only thing I have chosen to do which does hurt the environment is use a car, but again I have very little choice, It would be a 6 hour walk to work if i did not drive, and there is NO local bus service from my village. If there was I would do the "green" option and use that, but unfortuantely I am unable to.

And no, i am not niave, I would never go out with the intention of harming the environment, as I am sure you wouldn't. The thing is i know the difference between what is actually hurting the evironment, and what by indirect actions would cause pollution that is not my fault.

Directly, indirectly, your hurting the environment. Own it. Take responsibility for your actions.
But the environment can recover from a lot of the problems.

At worst we are distorting the environment we need to live comfortbably in now. Look at the CO2 levels and such during the Jurassic, they were nothing like what it is now. The environment is not some static thing that does not change ever.

Look at volcanos, they put more posionous soot intot he atmosphere than we can in a year or 5, yet are totally natural. Look at the methane production of termites (remembering that methan is 22 times worse as a greenhouse as than CO2).

It is not as simple as just saying "you use a car or electricity therefore you harm the environment". You can say that it impacts on the environment, but not necessarily harming. The carbon dioxide emitted by burning coal is carbon that existed previously, but has been stored for a long while.

And incidentally, I drove from Southend to London today, happy in the knowledge that research by Lincoln University has shown that intercity trains emit more pollution than cars per person carried. I therefore did my bit and did not have to sit next to some smelly oik with a mobile phone or ipod blaring away.

If you want to take it to the nth degree, every time I breathe I deprive oxygen that other animals could use (and plants at night). Every time I drink water it is water that a plant might not get, but that is all part of an ecosystem.

IMO the worst thing you can do to the environment is curse it with an enlarging population as this is the elephant that no poilticians (or greenpeace) seem to want to touch. Curbing population should be a high aim for all people concerned with pollution. Where will all the pollution be coming from soon? India and China; as they both develop and start to obtain more vehicles and electricity goods per capita they will commence burning more fossil fuels.

I read the other day that China has commissioned another 3,000 coal burning power plants. That is a hell of a lot of pollution going up (and to think everyone moaned at the US for not signing Kyoto and ignore the fact that China hadn't...)

There isn't even any sort of agreement in the scientific community as to exactly how much impact we are having. Everyone can show that the climate is changing, but it has previously been a lot colder, and a lot hotter than it is now, long before we were here.

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