Hi All
I was thinking about getting some bumble bee platys as part of the new stocking for a 96litre. But I can't find anywhere if platys should be kept in groups, pairs or if they're alright alone.
For example, could I get a pair of bumble bees and a pair of say the red ones? of would I have to have at least 6 bumblebees? do they have to have a set ratio of males to females or are they ok as a pair?
I was thinking about a pair of endlers and a pair of bumblebees...
ARGH it's all so confusing lol
I was thinking about getting some bumble bee platys as part of the new stocking for a 96litre. But I can't find anywhere if platys should be kept in groups, pairs or if they're alright alone.
For example, could I get a pair of bumble bees and a pair of say the red ones? of would I have to have at least 6 bumblebees? do they have to have a set ratio of males to females or are they ok as a pair?
I was thinking about a pair of endlers and a pair of bumblebees...
ARGH it's all so confusing lol