Platy Population Control

I have 4 platys in my community tank. It seems my platys don't really eat the fry. Nor it seems do my Pearl Gouramis, Cardinal Tetras, Harlequin Rasorbas or my Danios. I only know this because my tank is becoming overrun with the lovable little monsters !
There must be 50+ fry in there now from new born to 3/4 of an inch and they tank's only been running for about 2 months !
All ur fish that u have in ur tank at the moment, i think are to small to physically eat fry. The only 1 that could be big enough is the gouramis and platys. Could just find somewhere that would buy them off u. Good luck dude
A Golden Wonder Killifish (Aplocheilus lineatus) would make short work of your platy fry, but you would need a tight sealed lid on your tank because they are legendary jumpers. :)

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