Platy, Guppie Baby How Do I Tell Whats What


New Member
Oct 28, 2008
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i have only had my tank set up for 3 months tops, i have a baby lol i dunno if its a platy or guppy
Its clear you can see its spine eyes anddddddddddddddddddd it looks like it has orange on it lol

how do I tell
baby is doing well i suspect its been in there a few weeks

also I got brought ten guppies the man gave me 30 !!!
what am i gonna do with all the babies?? lucky i have ten guppies in one tank and the 30 in the other with a few neons and cat fish

will the cat fish be ok without any drift wood for a while they are the pleco ones i plan to sell them later and get ones that will be smaller !!!!

Oh the joys of fish keeping

ALso i dont have an ammonia test kitt yet should i just change 20 percent once a week?? will that be ok

I have one tank heavly planted other one getting there lol
If you only have guppies in the tank then the fry will most likely be the same. I would strongly suggest that you buy an ammonia test kit, ammonia is the biggest killer and test kits only cost around £5.00. As for the plecs could you provide a photo?
hi there i will get a photo in the next few days and yes i need the ammonia kitt i will get one this week thanks hehe
:D :D :D :D :D got given an ammonia kitt it expired 08 08 but they person said its ok to use sitll
Thanks everyone now i just got to figure out what my baby is platy or guppie lol
Guppy fry are long and thin, usually with no colour, just clear.


Platy fry aint has long and are more stockier in the body, and often born with colour

Hi thanks im sure its a platty the platy i got given was fat and hanging around the bottom
It has orange in it
I have some baby gupies that made it in the net with the fish I brought off this man and they are clear this one looks different

Im hopin its a platy i love them lol :shout:
oooooooo another baby so thats 2 i see now lol
thank god for the loads of plants
looks like gumpies to me :D congrats!
yeah im so excited got one play by the looks of it and one guppy, from what I can tell, the other tank has 2 gupie babies but they came with the fish i brought
OMG 5teady... Blue eyed platys now...

Me think me gonna have to burgle his fish in the middle of the night...


Platys are usually born pink or orange. If your platy is orange and was fat, I'd say that's what it would be. I have never seen a guppy develop colour at less than two weeks. They have been born grey, clear or very faintly yellow.
hi i had the same problem, i found a fry in my tank about a month ago and wondered where it had come from but was really excited, i put it in my breeders net to keep it safe, and could not make out whether it was a platy or guppy mine has turned out to be a female platy which is black orange and cream and now swims freely with my other fish and loves it. guppy fry can come out coloured though aswell one of my guppies gave birth to a couple of fry one was black the other yellow, so some do come out with colour.
one way to check if it is a guppy is if it has a long tail and if it has a slimline body and small belly, a platy has a shorter tall and a fuller belly.


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