Platy Fry

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Mar 22, 2020
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My big momma dropped 30 fry today!

Cutie patooties.
I scooped a few more out of the main tank already. Either still dropping fry or more were in hiding. So adorable watching these guys eat.

I love fry.
The mom looks mm but the older daughter doesnt. Weird.
Oh, and I count 37. :p
Mom, daughter, and both sons are all blue mickey mouse.
But blues are reflective platies, so the intensity and colour depend on angle and lighting.

One of the sons. This guy is my dominant male, hes a bit of a jerk. When i netted all of the fry out of the big tank, he was the ONLY one i couldnt catch, and i tried many many times. Gave up and left him to chance. He survived a tank full of danios and my gourami. Named Crafty, because hes a smart little turd. He picks on his brother Clog (named because he got his head stuck in the net as a fry)

Clog is the least dominant male in the trio of boys in my big tank. Hes got the dark orange fins. Crafty is in the photo flaring his fins at his brother. Theres an unrelated male in with them as well. Thatd be the second in charge.

Another photo of the daughter. Her name is Juniper. Shes super sweet and friendly. Follows her mom everywhere.

But theyre all blue Mickey mouse. Thats all momma Pilati has dropped. Every single fry lol now, if any turned out to be wags... id be looking at my male in my other tank as a potential father as he shared a tank with my 3 platy girls for a few weeks.
I just found #37 and moved him to the grow out too.

And @DwarfCichlidLvr i counted 36, opened the pic in my drawing app and marked each as i counted to be sure i didnt miscount. Definitely 36, now 37 lol

Probably may be more tomorrow as they are either coming out of hiding or mom is dropping a few stragglers over a few days
Itll be neat to see how these fry develop. I got one with some weird markings already! Perhaps i got a batch of fry born from more than 1 female within 2 days... hmm.

Either way, i hope i see this fry grow well and see if these marks stay! Some look to have dark fins too.

First fellow sitting there looking for food in my algae covered wisteria lol

Theyre very good eaters. Crushed flakes and pellets make the bulk of their diet so far. Fed 5 times a day.

This one shows the oddball on the left. Look at those patches! Then the middle one lowest has dark fins like a wag, maybe he will be one... theyre just too cute.

Hm do i want the food, or the spot on the leaf?

So given the potential at different varieties for once... let's play who is the mom haha

Candidate #1
Has dropped many many batches of fry, all have been blue mickey mouse like her. She was huge several days ago, then slimmed down. Hadnt dropped fry in over 6 months before this. Was with a male for a couple weeks 2 months ago.

Candidate #2
Never pregnant before, showed no signs of pregnancy. Was with a male for a couple weeks about 2 months ago

Candidate #3
Lovely little bumblebee girl, still young. Came from petstore with the male. Showed no signs of pregnancy, however recent this week ive noticed the area the gravid spot should be was a bit lighter coloured. Difficult to tell unless in good light.

And the male all 3 ladies were with 2 months ago...

Or, is it a combo of births, which would be why i have such a number. Ive never had more than 22 at a time (seen alive, not counting whats been grabbed by the community)...

Itll be fun to see.
So cute
Definitely got some wags in here!
So if these are big momma's babies, my rainbow wag boy is definitely the father.

Wonder if they will be blue or rainbow wags... the blue cheek shine tells me theyre likely going to be blues

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