Platie with a dull patch on her head


Fish Fanatic
Jan 5, 2005
Reaction score
South Coast NSW Australia
Hi all,
noticed today that my favourite platie (who has been behaving anti-socially) has developed a spot on her head that is not shiny like the rest of her. It doesn't look fuzzy or anything.
The water is all in normal parameters, all the other fish are behaving fine. She did come up for food, but it took her a while to figure out that it was feeding time. She is just seeming to hang out in one place for a long time, and then looks ok for a few minutes, but what I am really worried about is the dull patch on her head.
I have been doing reg. water changes and I have not added anything new to the tank in approx 2 weeks.
Thanks in advance for your help.

now noticing a bit of fin clamp. have a feeling the young girl is not going to make it until morning - but there is always hope :(
If possible move her to a hospital tank in which you can add some salt (2tsp per gallon). That will prevent her anti social behavior and chances of getting attacked by others. The salt should help relieve any stress and act as a mild antiseptic.
What colour is the spot, and does it have a red centre, or red around the edges.
the spot is just kind of dull very light bluey/brown (the fish is light blue). It doesn't have any red around it and this morning there is a definate flat spot on top of her head.
Is the fish flicking and rubbing against objects, as it could be a parasite.
This sounds similar to what my danio has on its head. The only way I can describe it is a discoloured/grey/browny/white colour. I think its from an injury in the tank but it is disappearing. He once got stuck under bog wood for a few hours and he had the same kind of whitey (not as in :sick: ) discoloured patch on his back which i treated with melafix. I havn't bothered with melafix this time, its going away without it.
She doesn't seem to be rubbing or flicking, just hiding. My quarantine tank at the moment has my Betta in it (he isn't quarantined, just needed a new home). Could I put my beautiful platie in tupperware for quarantine?
She has just lost all of her playfulness and is just hiding behind an ornament - when I put my hand near the tank she shoots out, but then after a minute goes back to rest.. :(
Try a salt bath with the platys as it will help if it's a parasite as they hate salt.
Ok, it is an hour now since I took her out of the salt bath. She seemed to be breathing pretty quickly when I put her back in, but is behaving a bit better now. How long would it take before she acts normally again? I have put some salt in the main tank too as it only has guppies & platies. I figure that if there is a parasite on 1 platie, the chances are that the others are at risk.
Should I also turn up the heater a bit? It is set at 24*C at teh moment.
It might take her a couple of hours to settle down. The temp is fine. How much salt have you added to the main tank?
Keep doing the salt baths 3 or 4 aday, till the spot disappears.
Thank you everyone,
I have put whatever amount of salt the link that Wilder sent said (I have been sick too and my head is a bit fuzzy). She seems to be improving a bit, but I will continue baths with her for a few days.
I really appreciate all the help, I think without all of you she most likely would not have made it.

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