Yeah, depending on what fish you have is going to change the answer to that question. Most fish that are suggested for beginner fish keepers, like myself, will not really uproot or eat your plants. I've heard that most Cichlids will uproot your plants and destroy a neatly kept planted tank. I have a 37 gallon tank that's heavily planted with water sprite, java moss, and java fern. It is currently stocked with 10 neon tetras, 6 swordstails, 4 bronze corys, and 3 zebra danios. I also have a few ghost shrimp in there as well, to help keep down some of the nastier algae that the swordtails will not eat. The swords graze on the algae on the plants, but will not actually eat the plants.
I have also read that even some cichlids won't touch java fern, as it has some sort of coating that repel the fish from eating it? I guess it just tastes bad to them. I'm sure someone else will come along with some more information. I hope that has helped a little, and good luck!