Opinions before I plant, please! :-D

Awwwwwhhhh maaaan I almost chipped in with Stargrass! Yesterday I was searching eBay for local floating plants and one of the sellers was also selling “stargrass”. That looks familiar I thought. Wish I’d mentioned it as it’d possibly make me look like I knew what I was talking about on here.
Aaaah well. Back to normal (clueless) service.
Seems like a lot of plant species. I'm really not the best to advise as mine never turn out anything like I envisage. Since I prefer low tech, low light and low maintenance I stick with what works in the tank and throw out what doesn't (just lazy really). If a particular plant is challenging or I have to work to make it grow it means the tank will soon look bad if I neglect it for a few weeks. I am quite religious about my water changes but for the plants they only get attention when they become too overgrown or leggy.

In my experience each tank has its own unique biology so it is just trial and error. The gorgeous alternanthera rosaefolia and heteranthera zosterifolia in my office tank won't grow in any of my other tanks even though the chemistry is identical in theory. Since I don't even bother with ferts anymore I haven't tried to find out why. Keep it simple and your tank will always look good. Complicate it and it needs constant attention and you have a never ending cycle of highs and lows.
Oooooh @seangee while youre still around 2:
What are the water stats out your way?
There’s someone in Reading selling shrimps n plants on eBay at the moment and as I’m working near Henley for the next month or so I thought I’d save a bit of postage.
Scared in case water differences don’t help them acclimatise though.

Apologies for thread hijack.
Oooooh @seangee while youre still around 2:
What are the water stats out your way?
There’s someone in Reading selling shrimps n plants on eBay at the moment and as I’m working near Henley for the next month or so I thought I’d save a bit of postage.
Scared in case water differences don’t help them acclimatise though.

Apologies for thread hijack.
Similar to yours I suspect. You need a knife to cut it and basic
I ended upre-arranging the hardscape a bit again, after trying a different arrangement and then not being able to get it back the way it was... but that might not be a bad thing, since this tank is meant mainly for my plecs and the corydora gang, so I want some open sand space for the cories to feed and play! Moved the main wood "cave" slightly off centre to the left.

Sorry the light is a bit blinding - have added amazon frogbit for now, since I have it in other tanks, but want to try red root floaters again soon:. Will also add some weeping moss to the branches on the right. Water a little cloudy from planting:

Decided not to use the lobelia, that can go in my pygmy tank. Looking back at previous photos, I think it looked better before, but I'm not gonna mess about with it again at this point. Think I'll love it once it's grown in more and I can see the fish hopefully enjoying it!

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