Planted Nano Tank 30L

pnyf said:
tank looks really good. good job!
Thank you I am happy with it just need to get the stand made, may get it finished tomorrow if I dont get disturbed to much in my workshop, got some bits glued up today so hopefully ill finish it tomorrow
Some pictures from today I've got the oak stand to a decent stage here's a few pictures I have actually got the base and the top on but forgot to take pics at the end of the day




These pics were take after I had glued and clamped it up the joints hadn't been cleaned up I'll posts some more pics on Monday of it cleaned up and with the base and top on
Wow! A very nice wooden stand there! Cant wait for the whole set up!
so simple and so delicate! it looks so lush! i think either option would be beautiful, be it a small shoal, or a betta :)
A bit of an update had a few problems over the last couple of weeks I think it was tanning in the wood had to take it out and soak it seems to have done the trick, also have found the time to get the stand a bit more sorted.

Here are some pics of the tank on the stand just the one tank at the min hopefully might get a second at some point then can look at making a light stand to go over them both, will also run them both from external filters once I get sorted.

christylee said:
so simple and so delicate! it looks so lush! i think either option would be beautiful, be it a small shoal, or a betta :)
Thank you Christy Lee for your comment, the delicate bit is proving to be a bit of a pain due to my big hands which every time I put in the tank seem to destroy something, but I am happy with how it is going


I will get a few more of the stand from different angles if anyone is interested

Its all made from English oak and finished with danish oil so easy enough to sand back and re finish if it gets marked by the water
I really love this tank! How did you do the bracing? And, can you show us a pic of the inside? I may be helping build a stand for my tank :D
Also some picture of my other tank its all gone a bit mad needs a bit of a trim but I like it the fish seem to as well and the shrimp they all hide in the moss.


Both tanks look stunning, jarns! Great job!
Thank you for the nice comments means a lot.

EllieJellyEllie said:
I really love this tank! How did you do the bracing? And, can you show us a pic of the inside? I may be helping build a stand for my tank :D
What do you mean by bracing?, I'll take some pics of the inside and some different views the stand has been made to match my tv stand more a piece of furniture really

A couple more pics, haven't really done anything on the inside yet as I'm not sure what I'll need once I get the second tank I'll have a better idea of how to split the inside up not sure how big the filters will be, also need to get a breaker for the electrics in case there's an accident
Ok. That helps. I dont need too much bracing, Thanks for the pics and great work!
Both absolutely gorgeous tanks! Wonderful job :D
Wow I love the bigger tank! That aqua scape is so cool! I love the path and the over grown look the moss gives!
The nano tank has grown in a bit which looks great!

Thanks ninjouzata and blondielovesfish for the coments

Here are a few pics of the tank now it is really growing I think you can see growth every day also a pic of my beta there are also two rosy fin tetras in there but they will be coming out once I cannot catch them, they all seem to get along OK though the beta does chase them around a bit though

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