Planted Nano Tank 30L


Mostly New Member
Sep 15, 2013
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I have started a new little project my wife bought me a 30 liter nano cube for Christmas so have started planning and getting things set out

I will post lotss of pics as I go along and any help or tips would be appreciated.

to TFF!
Can't wait to see pics, what are you planning on stocking it with?
Also it sounds like you already have prior fishkeeping experience but just in case, you might find THIS useful.
I have one tank set up which has been going for about 4-5 months now, I'm still learning I rushed into things a little on the first one so I'm taking my time with this one I want to get the plants right, I have some wood im going to use so I'm just getting things put in place at the min I'll try and get some pics on of what I've been doing.

As for fish I'm not sure yet will have to see.
:hi: to the forum.
Can't wait to see how this tank turns out!
If you aren't sure on what you want to stock it with, have a look HERE.
If you don't know about cycling, check out the link Ninjouzata provided you with, it is also found in my signature.

Here is a picture of the wood I am using I had to modify it a bit to get it to fit and I added a few bits to it on the right had side to make it look better, once planted you won't see much of it I don't think I also have some rocks to go at the bottom at the front.


And a picture of it in the tank
Thank you for the link on the stocking I have been thinking about making it a betta tank my LFS has some nice ones in at the min, I think it may make a nice home for one,

As for cycling I was going to do a fishless cycle but my LFS has the same tank which has been cycled for about 6 months now so he said I can swap filters with him so hopefully should cycle quite quickly
Thank you for that link very useful I'm going to concentrate on the plants to start with then I will make a decision on the fish I think, I'll probably sand all the ends of the wood before I finish just in case it may help we will see
I'm currently building a stand for this tank as well but my plan is to have 2 tanks the same but planted differently next to each other on an oak stand with a light stand holding a light over each tank it may take me a while to get it all up and Running but I think it should look pretty good once complete, I'll post pics of the stand as well its got to match my tv stand I made in the living room, fairly chunky English oak.
sounds a good project.
do post updates and pics as you go along, sounds good.
I've been done to my LFS today and picked up a few plants I'll post a list soon but here's a couple of pictures of how I got on






Also does anybody know why this post is showing no replies or views
jarns said:
Also does anybody know why this post is showing no replies or views
The thread hadn't been approved yet, that's all :)

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