Planted Betta Sorority (Pic Heavy)

They'll have some oak leaves and a chunk of driftwood. They're probably going in with the new CT male betta while the corries and pleco get to upgrade into either the 29 or 20 gallon after I sell off the cichlid fry tomorrow. It's going to be a mess trying to catch the fish I plan on selling, looks like I'll be tearing apart the 55 to catch 2 fish and then rescaping the 20, 29 and 55..... I'm feeling motivated right now, so lets hope that motivation doesn't desert me halfway through it all :D
Well, for two dozen or so fish, I got 3 black khuli loaches, a glob of java moss and 2 peacock african cichlids. I decided to just put the loaches in with the girls after I did a water change. All the bettas look healthy again, but I gave them all one more bath just is case. The red/pink HM is using her entire tail and spreading it out normally. The loaches didn't freak out at all when I released them, and they are checking the tank out right now. The original loach is out and about swimming with them, she seems happier :)
The loaches have settle and are of course, hiding. I spotted two of them when I turned the light on for the day and the banded khuli was out while I fed the bettas.
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When feeding them do it in 1 spot and do it at the same time of day they will quickly learn and will come out and wait to be fed,
I would do that, but then I'm pretty sure the bettas will clue in quicker than the loaches and gobble up all the food before them. I try to sneak in sinking pellets while I feed the girls at the front of the tank. Usually, before I turn the lights off I add a piece of algae wafer.
The khulis are still doing good. I've seen all 4 at one time, they don't seem too shy. They happily sift through the sand and hide among the plants. Every now and then I catch them surfing the glass but they stop after a while.

Unfortunately the red/pink HM has more of that fuzzy film over a small portion of her tail. I just noticed it a few minutes ago so she's in a Quick Cure bath again. I have no idea why she's still getting it. The water quality can't be bad. I do 50% water changes every week, she isn't being attacked (no frayed fins) and she's eating just fine. The other HM's dorsal fin healed up just fine and I can't see anything wrong with any of the other bettas.
I would do that, but then I'm pretty sure the bettas will clue in quicker than the loaches and gobble up all the food before them.

Try a shrimp feeding cage.

The crypts are sprouting runner and I honestly don't have much room left for them to grow :confused: The leaves are already pressing up on the glass but I suppose that's fine because the fish like it. My sister thinks she wants to plant her 36 gallon but she needs to figure out the lighting first...We'll see how that goes. If she ever gets around to it I will try pulling a few crypts while trying not to make too much of a mess.

I'm starting to feel that adding the loaches was a bad idea. They are all acting perfectly normal but I noticed a few white specks here and there on a couple of them and also on 2 of the bettas. I'm currently cranking up the heat and hopefully it goes away. Right now it's about 80 degrees but steadily rising. Feels like the entire tank is on the verge of crashing entirely. I'm going to up the water changes and see how it goes from there.
Dam, You will have to raise the water temp to 86 f, I have never used meds including salt to treat Ich so I cant recommend anything, You could maybe pop Byron a pm and ask him.
I'm really reluctant to use meds because I don't want to screw with the cycle. It's a really mild case (so far) so here's to hoping the heat kills it off. The temp is still rising and it should be up in the 80's tomorrow. I'll have to keep adjusting the temp till it's where it needs to be.
I can't say if the ich has gotten better or worse. The blue veil tail is the only betta that seems to have the specks. There's 2 or 3 spots on a couple of the loaches but no one seems itchy. I think raising the temp made the girls more aggressive though. I would hardly ever see them fighting but now they argue a lot more. No one has actually been injured, it's mostly chasing and then doing the "back off" nudging thing.

Just did a water change and checked up on the 2 little crypt shoots. One has maybe 4 leaves and the other only has one. The loaches are always out and about, but the 3 black ones still surf the glass every now and then. They're actually doing it right now while the banded one is looking for food.
I don't see anymore spots on any of the fish today :D I'll still keep the temp up for another day or two just in case though. I took some more pics but the fish don't like to cooperate so they're not the greatest.
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The ich and the weird film that was on the pink/red betta has not returned :D All is well and the loaches are doing great. I'm going to do a water change today, but I wanted to make a quick post first. I can finally take better pics and I wanted to get a decent pic of my moms CT, who will be getting a nice piece of drift wood in his tank today.
Plant pictures:
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CT male: I've noticed a dark patch on his body just under his dorsal, I don't think it will become a problem but I'm keeping an eye on it anyways

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