Planted 30L Biorb

the thing is, snails arn't keep on BBA. What is your photoperiod?
as long the BBA doesn't spread to the new leaves then it doesn't really matter. the photoperiod is 12noon to 8pm.

Ive just detached the rotting anubias from the bogwood and it fell apart in my hands :angry: need to try and decide what can be salvaged
the largest part that had the new leaf growth (in the picture above) was the only bit i saved. The other bits either had rotting roots or a rotting rhizome (i hope this is the right term haha). I hope its alright. Its my favourite plant in there :(
I am still spot dosing the Excel on to the Java Fern as Ianho advised in another thread :)
The Java Fern is looking better already. I ended up trimming about four leaves off it the other day but you couldn't tell.

Snails were added yesterday :D I can't find them though haha! Lights on in 40mins so i will take a look then
two of the snails died :( but two have lived!
I have... more algae...
I have just noticed it today. I am going to scream!! I think i need an ID on it though, so if anyone would mind :) (terrible picture. Its the black fluffy stuff going up the anubias, not the white stuff on the bark)


Need to get crafting some items to sell so i can get the cash to buy some shrimp.
Still waiting for my blue LED lights off Ebay :(
What else... hmm. Oh, the light on my tank flickers on and off if you touch the wire, which kind of scares me a little bit. The wiring is obviously loose inside somewhere. Need to get it fixed or buy a new light which i dont want to buy just yet lol
Sorry to hear about the snails :sad:

Would you send generally your plants are doing ok?
have you took the top to bits yet?

the little bulb can become loose in the biorb.
haha.. yeah, i took it all apart the first day i got it :lol: ill take a look tomorrow. my soldering iron might come in to use :hyper:

I *think* my plants are doing alright. there is some growth and some die-back. To be fair, its not doing that bad. The light in it is 10W, and the bulb has probably never been replaced in the tanks life. I am dosing ferts but nothing overly special. i have gravel substrate and a UGF where its supposed to be harder for plants to take root, yet my crypt has this crazy root on it thats about 6" long lol.

I am already wishing i had a rectangular tank lol. Or to upgrade the lightin in it, or to put sand in. I am tempted to try and talk my mum into letting me put the tank in the living room so it can actually be appreciated instead of just being in a corner of our abandoned dining room
BTW did you check out Jennybugs biorbs?

Good luck with ya mum, just send her on here and we'll have a word :good:
yeah, i've seen Jennys biorbs and read up how to convert them to sand. Im trying to leave it for quite some time first before i do that lol.

My brother came over and fixed the light. One of the wires had completely snapped off inside and was just touching, so as i touched the wire and moved it, it flicked off.

a video. I like the sun shining through. It makes everything so nice and you can see so much more detail than with just the light on

haha.. yeah, i took it all apart the first day i got it :lol: ill take a look tomorrow. my soldering iron might come in to use :hyper:

I *think* my plants are doing alright. there is some growth and some die-back. To be fair, its not doing that bad. The light in it is 10W, and the bulb has probably never been replaced in the tanks life. I am dosing ferts but nothing overly special. i have gravel substrate and a UGF where its supposed to be harder for plants to take root, yet my crypt has this crazy root on it thats about 6" long lol.

I am already wishing i had a rectangular tank lol. Or to upgrade the lightin in it, or to put sand in. I am tempted to try and talk my mum into letting me put the tank in the living room so it can actually be appreciated instead of just being in a corner of our abandoned dining room

Crypts are root feeders and I have found that together with swords they were doing great with an UGF. All the waste is gathering under it and is a very nutrient rich source for the crypts!
the info above ^^^ makes me happy! :D

I got some shrimp :)

3 Cherrys and 2 Green. I know one of the greens is a female but not sure about the other.

The snails seem to be doing a good job with the brown algae :) hopefully the shrimp will help them keep it at bay

Had quite a bit of growth on both Java Ferns. Just waiting for the leaves to get bigger before i take an updated pic :)
'We' (members of the forum helped me haha) came to the conclusion that the brown algae outbreak was due to a fish dying in my tank and me never ever finding it. It has subsided quite a bit now, but every now and again i see a bit on the leaves. The shrimps seem to love it but they leave shrimp poo in its place that doesn't look any better :lol:

My tank has a squatter at the mo called Jerry, who is a siamese fighter. I was thinking of just keeping him in there but i want my galaxy's to breed and it wont happen whilst hes around. Thinking of changing filter aswell because i dont know if the UGF will compromise any breeding thatll be going on (even with shrimps)

On the plant side of things, i am pretty sure i have no more BBA, so i have gradually lowered the Excel dose to 0.75mls daily again. The Anubias Nana at the top of the wood is doing well still, but im not sure about the part that was rotting before. There is new growth on it, but the rhizome looks orange again like its still rotting :/ Crypts are still doing really well, as is the Java Fern which has quite a lot of new growth.

Moss is spread out at the back for the galaxy's to hide under from Jerry and for the shrimp to live in

here is the non-planted piece of Java i have that just sits on top of the gravel behind the wood. It started off with about four leaves on and i didn't expect it to survive, but it has grown about six new leaves and is looking really nice :)

Depending on how much the crypts grow - lots of new leaves on one of them - i may have to remove one and save it for Jerrys tank. I don't feel like it is perfect yet, and being a perfectionist i am not happy :lol: I just feel there is something missing, needs adding or removing, or not in the right place. Not quite figured it out yet

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