Planted 30L Biorb

the order has been put on hold because they are out of stock due to a shop re-fit and need to find another supplier source for it :rolleyes: ill have to shop around and see if i can get it anywhere else where it is actually in stock

the Anubias Nana has started to make new roots which are getting a good grip on the bogwood already :) i thought it would take weeks before that happened. I think its only on the larger piece though, i havent had chance to look at the smaller piece.

I tried to brush off some of the algae on the Java Fern but its very tough and i couldnt shift it. Hopefully it won't be too out of control by the time i get the shrimp. There is a few weeks yet though.

I found a rock to attach the Java Fern too aswell :) Its a bit taller now, but the fish can still hide behind it
if ya in England, nip into boots an they'll sell you a syringe for 25p.

LOL!!! i think i have just been deemed a drug addict. I don't think my town is the best one to go around asking about syringe's. Im going to ask my tutor tomorrow if she has any left over i can steal

I got my 'Plant Pack' this morning and worked out the very small doses lol. The Flourish: Iron says "dose as required", but i have no idea when its required and don't really want to buy a test to find out. Any ideas?

I think i have a snail problem. I haven't seen any since the two i found the days after i added the plants, but im pretty sure the plants are being eaten. My Anubias is looking a bit sorry for itself.

fish are happy ;) cycle is doing good and has been able to handle the two other fish i added a few days ago. I am hoping i should be able to get an apple snail in a few days to try and combat the algae.
you may find this trivial, as it is (i believe) one of the easiest 'plants' to grow, but i am THRILLED to announce that i have new growth on my Java Moss :lol:
I noticed little bright green stubby ends of new growth on it yesterday. Considering i have been worrying about snails, and that leaves on certain plants are starting to fade and go brown, it is a good sight to see :)

Doing my first maintenance on Sunday. Very small gravel vac and trimming out dead leaves. Need to take another look at this Java Fern because it is a complete mess (may upload pictures)
Yay! Growing java moss is good! :good: There are a few degenerate forum members, myself included, that cannot seem to get this silly little moss to grow at all. Never worked for me, and I can grow some pretty fancy stuff! Fissidens, Christmas moss, weeping moss, but not java moss. Go figure. :lol:

I am not a fan of java fern either. It grows well for me, but I do not love its look. It always looks very messy to me. I much prefer bolbitis. I may take a look at the needle-leaf java fern for my next scape, that looks less messy to me.

i'm the same, i cannot grow java moss. I can maintain Christmas moss, but not grow it. I wish i could grow some moss, but i can't. Top marks Ryefish. New pics?
Thanks for the comments guys :D

Some updated pics. Some are from yesterday and some are from today. My tank is finally stable and has completed its cycle :D

Firstly we have the currently hated Java Fern, just to show you the absolute state that it is in. It is covered in black dots and lines, its leaves are half eaten, and its covered in black algae.

It is in the worst state. I expected the plants i got from Pets at Home to be in a worse state than this one which i bought from my LFS (even considering the plant tank in P@H was full of snails). There was a dead leaf on it that i cut off yesterday, and i haven't seen any new growth yet so its fate is still being decided lol. IF it grows something new i will keep it, if not, its being replaced.

The Abubias thats half eaten - there is some new growth on it that you can see in other pics :)

The moss growth (you can see anubias roots too :D hoping to be able to untie it in a few weeks)

Centre view of tank - blurred fish too




Not enjoying the yellow glow. I think its mostly the lights - the annoying BiOrb lights, mixed in with a bit of tannins from the wood and the yellow-ish look of the gravel. I am tempted to try and find a different light but i think i would have to mod it to go on the tank (obviously cant be a tube)

Snails next week hopefully, and then shrimp in a few more weeks
background change!!
I can actually see my fish again! Need to sort something proper out, because atm its just a piece of scrap fleece fabric lol
The Java Fern must have heard me because it has sprouted a new leaf :lol: Can i trim off some of the really tatty looking ones or will this kill the plant? Im just thinking if the plant isnt putting energy in to the half eaten leaves, then it might use it to create new ones. Hmm..

A new leaf on both pieces of Anubias (definately my favourite plant haha), and the Crypts are sprouting leaves all over the place! The little grass type is dying off i think, but it doesnt matter

Ordered three Apple Snails from Soph_Betta that should be arriving at the end of next week. One will be going to live with my tutor when they are a bit bigger (my tutor has bigger fish than i do) :) Hopefully they will clear my algae problems.
Its a lovely tank you have there and a nice home the snails will be going to. As for lighting Im sure that you can get LED ones which include moon lighting so check out flea bay maybe???
i have been looking at those but they are quite expensive. I ordered some blue LED strips off ebay for £2.30 to make some moonlighting :lol:

i am just going to deal with the yellow glow for a while. trying to save cash atm before i am skint by august lol
I am having a total nightmare.

The java fern has totally detached itself from the rock and is floating around all over the place.
I noticed that the larger part of the Anubias Nana seemed to be coming loose on the bogwood. I pulled the wood out for a look and the rhizome seems to be rotting and the plant has now split in to three pieces. It has grown a new leaf on the loose part which is rather white looking aswell, whiter than the new leaf that grew on the smaller seperate piece.
The little bit of grass has gone brown so i have pulled it all out.
My tank is still filling up with brown algae and im having a bit of trouble getting between the gravel to syphon it out without uprooting the crypts.

Good News:
My mam is picking me some superglue up on her way home from work so i can fix my Java Fern issue. I cut the ties that were keeping the moss to the wood and the moss has stayed put :D

Some pictures for you today
The white leaf on the anubias that fell off :grr:

the roots and where the rhizome rotted off - they still have some of the cotton wool stuff attached to them from when i bought the plant. I couldnt get it off without trashing the roots

empty space now left on the wood

On another note. The sun shone through the tank yesterday... and now i want brighter/better lights...

the tank at the same time with the biorb lights... dull

the tank with the sun shining through... nice huh? i should have gotten a video. maybe next time

Still waiting for the blue LEDS i bought off Ebay
I could be wrong, but the dark patches on the Java Fern might be its reproductive organs?
have you upped the dose of Flourish excel?
yeah i have upped the dose of flourish excel to 1ml. i cut two leaves off the java fern, the ones with the most algae on, because there is two new leaves growing. The dark patches don't bother me so much, its just the fact that most of the leaves are half eaten and have that black brush algae all over them.
My snails should be getting posted tomorrow so i should have them in a few days. Getting crafty and making some things to sell so i can buy my shrimp to help with the algae issues too :lol: Eyeing up some lights aswell, but i will get to get some opinions on that first

Superglue attempt no.1...

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