Planned Fry Journal Just For Fun :)

Yeah. When they were born they were all dark, then they were all half black, now they are all different lol. 
I hadn't noticed before, but the fry actually have half orange and half black pectoral fins! You can just about make it out on the pics. I hope they stay that way! Very unusual, never had any with orange in them before. 
Its natural for frys to change colour as they grow up.  I dont get fish from LFS, I got them from breeders that I know.  LFS fishes are difficult to ascertain their true strains.  Most are mixed up from several strains before they landed at LFS.  And unplanned mating may occur during transit from the breeders to wholesalers and LFS. 
If you are really interested in a certain guppy strain, get it direct from known breeders.  The stock will be more reliable than getting it from LFS. The price might be a little bit more expensive but its the quality of the fish that matters.
Just my 2 cents of opinion.
Ny82 said:
Don't be silly, I still have my 64L tank with the 3 platies! Plus I am not going there for some high and mighty to tell me I can't keep rams with cories or that my tank is waaaaaay too small because it's not 4 feet long. 
I will stay here with you guys  
I'm ba'aack ! It was the ><s in my username that stopped me logging in.
Hows your Ram doing, have you got him a girly yet ?
No I haven't managed to get a female yet but I have managed to sort out a fluval roma 200L tank since I have a slight cory obsession...:p
Hi guys, I know it's been a while, what I didn't tell you was I kept 5 guppy fry in the 64L as I couldn't bear to part with them. I am so glad I kept them they are stunning!
I have the fry who have dark blue/black tails, they also have blue eyes!

This is the one with the twin bar


This one's the only one without a dark tail!


This one has a blue and white striped tail

This is the one with a black tail with white edging and white dorsal fin. it's striking in real life, he has dark eyes.

This is from a different batch who I didn't realise had been left behind!
Oh my goodness, they're gorgeous! You must be so happy that they have the blue eyes!
How old are they now?
Thanks, yeah I am. They are starting to change colour to purple. It's awesome! I am so glad I kept them! Some have green in them too. A right mixed batch!

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