Plak-tastic! (now a spawn thread)

Thanks guys! Both males have fry right now, and both are doing great jobs. I think, because I'm their mommy, and they know no other world aside from life with me...they're treating me like dirt :( I'm allowed to look and tell them how wonderful they're doing, but if I look too much...oh the glares my own boys give me!

Sam~ Don't jinx me, I'm having flashbacks of the first red spawn now :S But they appear to be very small spawns, especialy the DT. I'd be happy with maybe 30'ish from each...but I'll take whatever they give :)

Alix~ I'm not sure. I know that my marble boys who went off to show brought in a pretty penny(s) at auction, which is surprising at a betta auction. You can usually get an amazing fish for like 5.00 somewhere like that. And I didn't even send my best, I kept those :shifty:
One of my red DT's went to convention and brought in over 20.00 at auction, which astounded me. His bid started at 3 bucks, so :dunno:
lol sorry kelly. my eggs havent quite hatched yet but ive got lotsa wrigglers, i dont tihnk they are getting enough light down ther its been about 34 hours.

kelly's fish usually do fetch a pretty penny at auctions, i've seen it with my own eyes.
They don't need light to hatch. I don't even use lights on my spawn tanks anymore :p They're probably hatching by now, I bet.

My marble daddy ( :wub: ) reminds me of his father so much. He's taking this very seriously. The fry are mostly freeswimming and they wander off so he tirelessly chases them down and brings them back to the nest. So cute, I'm going to leave him in a bit longer.

And the DT is doing well,too. He's a bit lazier, just hanging out patiently. You can see tails hanging from under the nest if you look closely..
It sounds like a lot of effort involved in raising betta fry, but I'm starting to understand why you all are willing to do it.
GuppyDude said:
lol i feel bad now that i didn't give my male the chance, that would have been fun to watch :D
Awww, dont feel bad. I've pulled them before in moments of distrust and panic, it takes awhile to get over that knee jerk reaction. But I will say there is nothing as heartwarming as watching one tenderly care for his fry.
Their daddy really changed everything for me, he was the most tender betta I've ever's an old pic of him with the kids, gah,loved him!!

booboo~ It really is fun :nod: Always surprises, that's for sure!
Aww, I love the closeup, and next to that teeny baby he looks so slow and ponderous :wub: I can almost hear a slow, deep voice saying "whoop, whoop, back yuh go, li'l feller . . ."
That has to be my favorite betta picture ever, really :wub: I want to take it somewhere nice so they can clean up the water spots and print it for me so I can hang it on my wall in the fishroom.

Edit~ Oh by the way, to keep up the diary....I have pulled both males. There are more marbles than I thought and way less DT's than there were last night :S Either they'll start emerging from the plants soon, or it's a small spawnn. Can't tell.
*right click aaaand SAVE!*
That is exactly what I had in mind, thanks so much!! :wub: :wub:
That's the only size I have but that will do wonderfully. Just perfect :wub:
Yay! I'm so glad :D I'm really happy you needed that, actually; it gave me something to do as I wait for the library to close. Work is so dead at this time of night :S I do wish I'd known that was the size you wanted- I'd have done a better job on it and tried to enhance it a bit, but if you're happy with it than that's what matters :thumbs:

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