Pistol Shrimp Compatiblity?


Fish Herder
Apr 9, 2007
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Hi folks,

I was wondering what compatability issues there are with pistol shrimps and other shirmps like fire shrimps, skunk cleaners, etc, etc.

I've seen the video of a pistol shrimp killing a skunk cleaner and also read threads where pistols have been kept with other inverts without issue. Are some species of pistol more aggressive than others? If so, what ones wouldn't be a threat to other shrimps? I'd really like a goby/pistol combo and I'd love a fire shrimp too. I just don't want the pistol to kill the fire shrimp or vice verus and wondered if you guys could give me some specific info on the subject?


I am not sure of this myself.

I have a yellow watchman goby, but also have a pair of blood shrimp. I have been waiting to see if anyone has done it and whether there have been any problems, I would love to get one for my YWG.

There are other issues to consider though, Buddyboy has one with his YWG and another goby that has weirdly taken up residence with them. They have caused sand storms in his tank and completely rearranged the sand whilst building their tunnels.

KJ has a Tiger Pistol paired with 2 Yasha (I think) gobies. Hers are really very sweet.
I'm just reading on liveaquaria.com. There are many different species of pistol shrimp and most apparently are peaceful, and normally only prey on shrimp smaller than themselves.

The Pistol Shrimp may also be called Symbiosis Shrimp and Snapping Shrimp. It is found in a variety of colors and sizes. Pistol Shrimp are not easily sexed, but the males of many species are thought to have a larger pincher. The sound it makes comes from an appendage on the pincher which moves when the pincher is opened or closed and water is ejected. The Pistol Shrimp can be easily confused with Mantis Shrimp if judged by sound only. Unlike the Mantis Shrimp, it is not harmful and will not pose any threat in the tank, with the possible exception of smaller shrimp.

I would love to hear from someone who actually has/does keep pistols with other shrimp.
I have been waiting for that too.

My LFS keeps asking if I want one. She thinks I should get one for my YWG, I am just a little cautious, I love my blood shrimp (although they can be a RPITA) they would be a very expensive snack.
Yeah I love the fire shirmps too. I had two of them and two skunk cleaners and a peppermint in my old setup. They got on pretty well. Occasionally, the largest fire shrimp would get a bit territorial if any of the others came near his pile of rocks, but it never resulted in fisty-cuffs.

It would be awesome if they can be kept togetther but you are right for being cautious as £15-20 is an expensive loss for a shrimp.
Hi mate, as Tina says, I keep a pistol quite happily with cleaners, blood and peppermint shrimp...also asstd hermit crabs, and have had no problems ...apart from him and his pet gobies rebuilding my sand bed,lol..
The gobies feed the pistol at feeding times and this seems to keep him happily fed and away from his other tankmates....
This is what they've done to my deep sand bed however.......


Hi mate, as Tina says, I keep a pistol quite happily with cleaners, blood and peppermint shrimp...also asstd hermit crabs, and have had no problems ...apart from him and his pet gobies rebuilding my sand bed,lol..
The gobies feed the pistol at feeding times and this seems to keep him happily fed and away from his other tankmates....
This is what they've done to my deep sand bed however.......



Hi Buddy,

Man I love those Ricordea. Is that a torch coral on the left? Whatever it is.. its sweeeeeeeeeeeet!! Oooh is that a black/white clown too I see in the background?? lol so many questions!

What type of pistol do you have btw?
Answer to all above questions is....YES,lol......
pair of black and white clowns in here and normal percs in son's nano...
torch started from a single headed frag and seems to thrive...
As for pistol I'll have to check that one out...he is very pale pink and about 1 inch long, not the best pics , as he's hard to corner......


Mine is a Randall's pistol shrimp.

I do have 2 yasha gobies w/it too. I did add a cleaner and it died shortly after. I'm almost positive it was not due to the pistol shrimp. The cleaner was twice his size. Plus the pistol only comes out to grab a bite of food at feeding time and to move sand around. I'd say they'd be ok :good: Check my 29g journal for pics of pistol/goby pairs.
Will do. :good:

Where did you get your Randall's shrimp? I think they are really nice looking.


Ah you got it at liveaquariua.com. That's where I saw it lol.
diver's den to get more specific.

They already had them QT'd and eating and they were 100% ready to go. I don't worry about not QTing those fish at all.

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