Are these ghost shrimp or amanos?

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I thought 90% water changes was ok by you?!? (or at least until your bud answered)
now that we agree that 90% water changes should NOT be done as a regular tank maintenance....
back on topic of the OP...

amano's are NOT the reason your fish are dying
it was the BAD advice someone passed on to you...
I'm truly sorry for your losses and hope you can take this whole thing with a grain of salt and a lesson learned
for the future...whether you decide to go with 15% as I do
or decide to do 30% as some do
or to water chase with 50% changes...
keep in mind one thing...the bigger changes you do the more likelihood of shocking fish and killing them as it happened
My suggestion...don't trust a single person when having an issue....ask for advice then do your research and take your conclusions
and if anyone again ever tells you to do 90% water changes on a regular...slap them xD
No-one has ever been told to do 90% on a regular weekly routine for water changes

People have only been told to do it when issues arise such as contamination or as part of disease control to negate that contamination and to assist in disease control without the use of often incorrect medications being used

You are the only one who has been hung up on it, no-one else misunderstood it like you have. You're the person who took it out of context, no-one else did.

So your vociferous anger was totally misdirected cos you are the one who misunderstood the context or shifted the context of using high percentage water changes

And you refused to back down over the Chlorine/Chloramine issues too since carbon filtration systems are not available everywhere nor are they affordable to everyone....and lets face it, in reality no-one with a single 70 litre aquarium is ever going to go into the expense of buying and fitting one anyway are they, especially with the current financial climate. So buying off the shelf dechlorinators like Prime and Tetra etc are the best that most people can do and afford.
@wasmewasntit I started when I was 8 and I'm 38...quite some years from your experience
but my issue with this whole thing is not the use of prime as it's very common these days
it's that 90% regular water change...I don't care if people use prime or prima donna do whatever works for you...
people were hung up on the fact that I don't advise using prime
and yes 90% was passed on as advice to the thread OP as he stated...

"I started doing large water changes based on a majority response on this forum on a thread months ago. Multiple people said they had no issues with 90% water changes weekly, one person insisted fresh water flow is necessary as is in nature. Its hard to know with so many differing opinions what is best and who is "right" as obviously everyone suggests what works for their own."

I didn't ask who told him to do so...but i explicitly said it's BAD and STUPID advice which it is and I guess people got hung on it
heck if he said someone told him to do a 50% 3/4 times a week because he had an issue I wouldn't even bother...
but 90% as a regular w.c??!?!?!?!???
@wasmewasntit I started when I was 8 and I'm 38...quite some years from your experience
but my issue with this whole thing is not the use of prime as it's very common these days
it's that 90% regular water change...I don't care if people use prime or prima donna do whatever works for you...
people were hung up on the fact that I don't advise using prime
and yes 90% was passed on as advice to the thread OP as he stated...

"I started doing large water changes based on a majority response on this forum on a thread months ago. Multiple people said they had no issues with 90% water changes weekly, one person insisted fresh water flow is necessary as is in nature. Its hard to know with so many differing opinions what is best and who is "right" as obviously everyone suggests what works for their own."

I didn't ask who told him to do so...but i explicitly said it's BAD and STUPID advice which it is and I guess people got hung on it
heck if he said someone told him to do a 50% 3/4 times a week because he had an issue I wouldn't even bother...
but 90% as a regular w.c??!?!?!?!???
I've gone back and looked through OPs past threads and found the advice he was given...its been taken out of context. The person said he did up to 90% weekly water changes on his fry tank...and did not say OP should do 90% changes on his own tank.
I've gone back and looked through OPs past threads and found the advice he was given...its been taken out of context. The person said he did up to 90% weekly water changes on his fry tank...and did not say OP should do 90% changes on his own tank.
that's pretty much a suggestion as a "I do 90% weekly changes and it works fine for me"
and that's my's a tad much...and that's taking the water chasing to a whole new level
I keep pea puffers with my shrimp and zebra plecos which are quite expensive
I grew them from very tiny puffers in my tank so they're all used to each other...
would I tell someone to go to the store and buy an adult puffer and throw him in the tank because it works for me?
what works for me doesn't mean it'll work for everyone
but there's no way that I would suggest 90% weekly changes even if I did them
and that's my whole's bad advice and should not be passed on as such
that's pretty much a suggestion as a "I do 90% weekly changes and it works fine for me"
and that's my's a tad much...and that's taking the water chasing to a whole new level
I keep pea puffers with my shrimp and zebra plecos which are quite expensive
I grew them from very tiny puffers in my tank so they're all used to each other...
would I tell someone to go to the store and buy an adult puffer and throw him in the tank because it works for me?
what works for me doesn't mean it'll work for everyone
but there's no way that I would suggest 90% weekly changes even if I did them
and that's my whole's bad advice and should not be passed on as such
Stop taking it out of context

It was said in regard to normal routine for a FRY aquarium. NOT for a normal aquarium and that was NOT misunderstood as being 90% for a NORMAL aquarium.

You're the only one who is misunderstanding it and removing the context. Tbh I am starting to think you are continuing to do it just to be argumentative and not as someone offering advice to anyone.
Thats a wrap folks - thread has deteriorated and personal attacks such as 'stupid' being used. I don't see the value in the thread continuing as it has run into a debate about advice rather than giving advice. If anyone disagrees feel free to send me a message.

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