Pillow Insides

Im not a pikey but I do like to save on my running costs wherever I can and to be honest I was horrified at the cost of the Fluval filter polishing pads - (I run 7 tanks at present - all Fluval driven) - So, after my dog ripped up a cuddly toy I thought now this is good stuff, I could use as filter floss instead of the polishing pads - ive been doing this now for over six months and whenever im in town I pop into the local charity shops and buy up the cuddly toys for next to nothing. Car boot sales are another place to pick em up. To-date I have had no problems at all with water quality or fish health. Just make sure you dont put too much of the stuff in your filter as this will restrict the water flow, its actually more dense than the polishing pads so just be careful.

Hope this helps

So what happens to all the good bacteria that live in the filter media when you change the media to cuddly toy stuffing for a water polish?
Im not a pikey but I do like to save on my running costs wherever I can and to be honest I was horrified at the cost of the Fluval filter polishing pads - (I run 7 tanks at present - all Fluval driven) - So, after my dog ripped up a cuddly toy I thought now this is good stuff, I could use as filter floss instead of the polishing pads - ive been doing this now for over six months and whenever im in town I pop into the local charity shops and buy up the cuddly toys for next to nothing. Car boot sales are another place to pick em up. To-date I have had no problems at all with water quality or fish health. Just make sure you dont put too much of the stuff in your filter as this will restrict the water flow, its actually more dense than the polishing pads so just be careful.

Hope this helps

good way to help cope with the credit crunch :lol:
i use i soft toy filler ( wadding) when my lfs dosent have sack fulls for a quid, have done always, does the job so i dont see a problem.. and just for the record im not a pikey either :lol:
filter floss is cheap if you cant afford it its time to give up the hobby
completely the wrong thing..btw
i have a pond and that floss comes in big rectangles which are no use to my canister filter
for my tank

Sorry to ask this here if it's the wrong forum and sorry also if I'm 'hijacking' this thread by asking this but what happens to all the good bacteria that live in the filter media when you change the media to cuddly toy stuffing - or whatever - for a 'water polish' or to remove cloudyness etc?
well its basically the same stuff tbh..just polyester floss..
so it would basically not be any different..

Sorry to ask this here if it's the wrong forum and sorry also if I'm 'hijacking' this thread by asking this but what happens to all the good bacteria that live in the filter media when you change the media to cuddly toy stuffing - or whatever - for a 'water polish' or to remove cloudyness etc?

huckFIN, you wouldn't remove ALL of the mature media. Leave some in to kick start the new stuff :good:

fifefish, like your idea mate! Very 'fishroom' friendly.

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