

Oct 26, 2006
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Fishers, Indiana
Hi All! Im a bit of a newbie here and to fish keeping! Even still, I am hearing all kinds of different info about the pictus and would like some sound advice. I quite like this catfish and would like to add one to my 55g (to be semi-aggressive) tank. The measurements are 48 x 18 x 18.
Is it ideal to get more than 1 or just 1? I know they will eat smaller fish, but what about cory's or other bottom dwellers. Any info you have would be greatly appreciated. Thanks in advance!
We were told you could keep Pictus on their own but are best to keep 3 or more, so we brought 3. We keep them with a Snowball pleco, Magnum pleco, Green pleco, Bristlenose, Peckoltia and 13 Gouramis. We have had no problems with them at all and they are very active and playful fish. We haven't found them to be aggressive or territorial and I think they make a good community fish. Maybe other members have different opinions or experiences but like I said we have had no problems. Hope this helps!
That's a good sized tank (4ft and 55 gallons). Just make sure that the bottom of the tank isn't too crowded with decor and that there are enough open spaces for the pictus to cruise around. They spend most of their time on the substrate. One is fine, but if you have space, more would be better. They are fabulous fish :good:
Awesome, thanks guys! Would just 2 be okay?? Thanks again! If anyone else has any thoughts let me know! B)

I was looking at originally setting up a South AMerican cichlid tank with a bunch of these guys, and i was told that they are happiest in groups of 6 or so. I also was told that they have a mad half hour everyday and that I shouldn't have them with timid fish as they would be too boisterous!

Apart from that, a fine looking catfish and now I'm on to a malawi tank instead, so it's syno's all the way!
In my earlier days of fishkeeping I had 6 pictus in my 6' tank and they truely are one of the most beautiful and active fish when kept in a small group. The only slight problem I did have was when I fed the tank, if you have any quiet or nervous fish the pictus feeding frenzy can panic them.
Awesome, thanks guys! Would just 2 be okay?? Thanks again! If anyone else has any thoughts let me know! B)
Two should be fine. I kept one on its own for several years. And then got another later. Both situations were absolutely fine. johnatkin & nicelights are right though. Don't keep them with slow & timid fish. Pictus do have their mad moments whizzing round the tank at breakneck speed. Especially when fed live bloodworm :hyper:
Thanks again guys! Very helpful! You just never know if you can trust what you read!! Appreciate it greatly! :fun:
Just remember like all cats, small rounded gravel is better than chunky edged stuff...wouldnt want the Pictus or friends loose a barble while sifting etc :)
Whatever goes round really - though they are mainly carnivores, so dont expect to see them eating cucumber ;). They do like the Hikari Carivore Pellets and the Tetra Pro Crisps. Then I also feed some thawed frozen bloodworm now and again.
i bought two pictus and soon after they both fell ill. one died and one survived so i replaced him from a different shop not realising that you must be able to get different types of pictus as they are different sizes and their spots are different now they are full grown!
they do tolerate each other but i wouldn't say they were best of friends!! they seem to compete for the same 1 square inch of the tank?
all this aside they are beautiful fish and i would recomend them :good: :good:
i bought two pictus and soon after they both fell ill. one died and one survived so i replaced him from a different shop not realising that you must be able to get different types of pictus as they are different sizes and their spots are different now they are full grown!
they do tolerate each other but i wouldn't say they were best of friends!! they seem to compete for the same 1 square inch of the tank?
all this aside they are beautiful fish and i would recomend them :good: :good:

oh yeah, mine definately "spar" over the best cave!! I just crack up watching them eat, Im all yelling at them to chew!!! LoL. Mine are doing great thought.
i found the info very helpfull. my gf is lookin at gettin one to go by himself but wasnt sure if hed b happy.
shes had the tank set up for a while n now Immediately wants to go down to the LPS to get one lol.

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