Pictus Catfish?

I have both pictus catfish and bristlenosed plecos. No problems with any of these fish not getting along with anyone else in our tank. Actually, when the bristlenose comes around, the pictus cats leave!

The place I got my pictus cats said they grow 8-10 inches. I was recently at a pet store on the other side of town here, and saw two pictus catfish in a tank. These things were HUGE. I even asked to make sure that's what they were. So these guys were about 12-14 inches, and, quite big around too.

Pictus Catfish are debatable, in home aquaria they grow to 8 inches usually then die but in a tank that is huge (200 gallons) and you had say 9 Pictus and the tank was dedicated to them they will probably reach 15 inches. Most people don't get them this big but they can reach this big and probably more, all depends on water etc.
There is two distinct strains of P.pictus, the first being the classic "angelicas" strain with the large dalmation like spots on a silver background and the second the columbian strain which has smaller spots in distinctive patterns. The latter is thought to only grow to around 6" in captivity with the former reaching around 8", in the wild 12" is considered to be the maximum adult size.

They will get along with any fish that is too big for them to swallow and are best kept in a group of at least 3, due to their constant swimming they need a fairly large tank, i wouldnt recomend keeping them in anything less than 55 gallons.
Well it appears from everything I'm reading, it would be best not to get one of these. Too bad cuz I really like them.

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