Pictus Catfish Help. Quickplease?


New Member
Jan 24, 2010
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Your shoe, California
I got a new pictus catfish recently, I have two now, they are in separate tanks and my newer one has been find the past few days then suddenly he seems to be losing control of his swimming ability as though he's drowsy and can't seem to stay upright. The Water is fine but he seems to be pale and his gill's seem kind of pinkish, He's bumping into the rocks on the bottom and will float without control of his body for several seconds at a time. I really Really do not want him to die and I would greatly appreciate any help I can get photos/video if I need to just PLEASE advice. :-(

Video;; Nemo
He has eaten everyday, Today he didn't eat much but I got him to eat what I could he had trouble swimming enough to get the food.
He's in a very tiny tank I got him on whim he was in really bad shape at the store but he was doing GREAT for the first two days, I don't know what happened.

And, for the first few hours after I got him he twitched a lot when he swam downward.
well, for starters, he grows up to 6-8 inches, so he shouldnt be in a tiny tank, and how much do you feed it? mine looked really fat after it was done eating for the day.
I feed it the same amount as my larger catfish, I know he shouldn't bee in a small tank so don't bother lecturing me about that, I'm saving for a bigger one to get for both of them :/ And, My other one normally looks really fat to which also confuses me bacause I watch Nemo eat and he doesn't seem to get any larger after eating.
internal parisite maybe, is the filter cycled? you should post this in the emergency section.
Not sure if I filtered the tank properly it was some offhand crappy one and I got him on a whim which I now regret doing. But I suppose I've did all I can for now i just wait it out and see if he makes it over night. And Now that I think about it I think he's suffocating to death, he's taking like huge breaths at once then momentarily spacing out then doing it again... I'm really confused about it though.
definatly water perameters i.e high amonia nitrite or incorrect ph or a rapid change in ur water in tank to where u got it from reddeing of gill area also irratic bursts in undesirable directions if still alive consider small water changes to either dilute gradually waste content if the p.h of the enviroment is say p.h7 nutral and then put a fish in to 7.5 that is 5000 parts per million change and all fish should be acclimatised slowly and only tolerate 1000 to 2000 ppm in any one day .... and these should remain stable hope that helps a little chap
kind regards
Why dont you try putting it in the tank with the other one? They may get on fine... its worth a try, but i think there is something wrong with the water or the temperature.

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