pictures of my tank

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get rid of one bristlenose, what about clown loachs i like them tho as they have good colour, keep the shark dont want all tiny little fish
add 3 glowlight
add 3 neons red/ blue
add 2 more female betta why do u need five or one what about 3

add no more otos????

what about corys have i to many

can u see the algea on the glass under the sand i dont like that

keep the shrimps
actually, i just now thought about how you don't report any problems with the female bettas flaring/fighting. i retract all previous statements about betta females--if its been a month with no aggression, leave well enough alone!! you may have lucked out; don't fix what's not broke... but if you ever start seeing them fight, rearrange your tank and add several more girlies (a bigger population of female bettas is better because it spreads out the aggression).

the "algae" under the sand is green poop--probably from the bristlenoses. only two ways to control that: more vacuuming or add malaysian trumpet snails. if you avoid dropping in food by the glass, that'll help too.

you really don't need a heavy-duty algae brigade unless you have a heavy-duty algae problem or just really like algae eaters. no more otos. well, maybe one more but that's just because they like friends.

the clowns really will get too big for your tank, but they have some resale value so its really your call. but you won't be able to keep them past 6 inches long without upgrading.

the cory cats are perfectly fine just as they are.
since you've avoided all other recommendations about your shrimps, i'm not saying anything beyond what has already been said.
clown loaches dont have anything to do with algea ya know.
I have to say i agree with the excellent advice from wrs and pica. The shrimp will eventually make a snack of a fish but thats ur choice. Apart from that what pica sed was great info and the clown loach dont help algae and they do get far too big.

if you really wanyted to you should be able to get another oto, they do like to be in 3 plus groups.
I hope this works out, and as for kevin007 i understand completely about people givin advice on fish theyve never owned but i work in my lfs and so get to look after many fish, and before my 90G i had a few 50G's so i can honestly any advice i have given you IS from experience.

lol just had to say that

still not got any more fish none have died
large shrimp is doing well dont see him often tho....

little bit of algea at back on tank, green it is what fish could i get that do not make mess and clean algea well, what about more otos?????

should i keep both brittlenoses

getting rid of my 3 clown loaches tomorrow due them attcking the female betas, shark is doing well tho attackes no one

going to get 3 more females betas, some more neons and the red and blue fish, how many???

going to get 2-3 small ghost shrimps as i like the one i have..

what do u reckon dont want to many fish and going to listen to u guys at long last now


current fish
2 bristtle nose cat fish 2 1/2 inch
3 clown loachs 2- 3 inch max
1 red tailed shark 3 inch
2 female Siamese Fighting Fish 1 2inch 1 1 inch
5 corys all small
2 Glowlight Tetra ( have green stripe one red)

4 carvals look like red and blue neons all very small ( doing ok had them 12 weeks

2 otos both 1inch

1 small ghost shrimp ( no fish attack him doing very well)
1 very large smirp doing well eating no fish , hides a lot , is massive but i like him, will he make mess or clean tank, only comes out when dark
great tank there, the problems i see (and im no expert) but :

1: you have asked several times about keeping the bristlenoses , and have been told about how messy they are and how inefficient they are at cleaning algae compared to other species of fish ARE YOU ACTUALLY READING THESE POST?, BTW algae only grows (like fish and plants) when you have a healthy tank, alot of what your seeing is debris and not algae, the algae tablets you feed to your plecos etc is actually a "Dead" form of algae and not the kind that grows.

2, i have seen no comments about your readings of your tanks, do you even take readings, different species require different things. with all the mess those 3 now 2 bristlenose pleocs make i wouldnt be surprised if your ammonia levels were high.

3. I too keep clown loaches (they are so cool) and i have never had them be aggressive, maybe it depends on what other types of fish you have with them, i dont have betas,

4, People are telling you what to do without fulling explaining, IE Strata for example, some species of fish like to live in different depths of your tank, starting from top to middle to bottom, your tank looks bare because you have mostly fish (with the exception of the bettas and neons) that like to live on the bottom, you need to research fish that like to live in different layers of the tank, and that will make your tank look full,

5, back to test kits, you really need to get a chemical test kit API (aquarium pharmaceuticals inc,) makes a very very good liquid test kit, with all the fish your adding/removing i would be darned surprised if you havent had a spike or two, make sure what ever test kit you get, that it includes test for Nitrates, Nitrites, Ammonia, and PH, gh/kh would be good but not extremely important unless your having a hard time with PH fluctuations. PLEASE BEFORE YOU DO ANY THING ELSE GET A TEST KIT AND TEST YOUR TANK WATER.

As mentioned before this is not a self sustaining hobby, you need to do some work after all you are dealing with the LIFE OF A LIVING CREATURE and with that comes great responsibility.

6. And yes you ARE doing a great job with asking questions "the only dumb question is the one never asked"

5. plants, you definantly need more plants, some ancharis, swords and java fern moss are easy to grow, require very little light and you can get away with no c02 injections. also your fish will love you for it, especially cardinals and the loaches, they are very shy, and love hiding places, some nice rock caves or good grown swords would be perfect for them.

6, i read earlier somoene suggested an arwana, if thats the fish im thinking of, then (with all due respect) that person has no idea about them, they grow too big for your tank.

if you want to know more about a specific species of fish, then just GOOGLE it, you should really research each type of fish, specific needs, ie" its adult size (oh that reminds me, when people have told you that you are overstocking, it doesn't nessacarily mean right now, the ADULT size is what is most important, yes your loahes may only be 1 inch now, but in the wild they grow to be 12 inches, in most tanks they grow to be 6-8 inches, thats something to think about, ) type of food, Ph range that it prefers, temperature it prefers, and most importantly the aggressiveness and tank mates it can be companioned with.

Good luck with everything and please come back and let us know your test reults and whats going on

ok thanks will get rid of one brittlenose too..
are otos one of the best algea cleaners
Hey Loates123 Ilove the tank, it looks cool and fresh, and I am loving thet background. Where did you get that from?

I was the same as you when i started, not a clue... these people are really good on here, but I have found that the ppl in the USA keep fish quite differently to us Brits.... water is different here. But it's all good advise.

Thanx to all these guys I have managed to get my hopeless starter tank up and running with great results so far.

Again...wher did u get that background??? I want it.

just from my local fish shop, i cvan get somemore if u want..
got got two clown loachs this morning can i hell catch the other and the brittlenose fish they hide under that 25kg rock and i dare not move it due to the weight
loates, eh?

I am sure I remember you... didn't you want a silly number of massive coldwater fish in an 8ft tank which actually turned out to be much smaller?

I remember you didn't listen to anyone's advice then.


You bought 2 clown loaches this morning? Is that a good idea considering they'll have to be rehomed at some point? I agree you can keep them for a while btw. IMO people overreact about clown loaches. They grow very, very slowly especially after they hit 4" and 8" is more common than the beastly 12" that people seem fond of quoting. People have plenty of time to upgrade.

You talk a fair bit about algae. What kind of algae is it? Perhaps you should look at tackling the root of the problem rather than relying on fish to fix it. :)

Too much/little light, direct sunlight, overfeeding and overstocking are all common causes. Adding lots of live plants will help as they outcompete algae for nutrients and use amonia, nitrIte and nitrAte to grow.

wow, Cheese is back!

nice tank Loates....i'm not even going to get into this one

Cheese Specialist said:
loates, eh?

I am sure I remember you... didn't you want a silly number of massive coldwater fish in an 8ft tank which actually turned out to be much smaller?

I remember you didn't listen to anyone's advice then.


You bought 2 clown loaches this morning? Is that a good idea considering they'll have to be rehomed at some point? I agree you can keep them for a while btw. IMO people overreact about clown loaches. They grow very, very slowly especially after they hit 4" and 8" is more common than the beastly 12" that people seem fond of quoting. People have plenty of time to upgrade.

You talk a fair bit about algae. What kind of algae is it? Perhaps you should look at tackling the root of the problem rather than relying on fish to fix it. :)

Too much/little light, direct sunlight, overfeeding and overstocking are all common causes. Adding lots of live plants will help as they outcompete algae for nutrients and use amonia, nitrIte and nitrAte to grow.

:D yes i remerber u that clever one...

no if u read what i have posted i am getting rid of my clown loachs..
the algea is green , only have a little bit on back on glass everywhere else is ok.............

i love it our u lot slat my tank but out of all the people with tanks i know i have the least fish...
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