Pictures Of My Planted Juwel Rio 125

I really like your tank, the jungle look,

I see your aquarium is the new dark wood one from juwel, I never was a fan on dark mahogany like wood, but the juwel ones look really smart

Overall A really good tank you have !
Cheers Sabboy,

Heres the top off showing the lighting modifcations!


Detail of lighting FRONT


Detail of background and internal filter (notice gap, no jumpy fish!)

more detail in next picture!


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Oooohhh right. So the extra bulbs are attatched to the orignal bulbs by clips (metal). And then you twisted round the reflectors. I get it now, thanks a bunch dude!
How's maintenance? I mean its a bit awkward putting your arm in to plant/fiddle with things in the tank.
Can I ask what is your waters ph and also the hardness if you know, as around the filter area it looks like brand new, mine is full are limescale as I have really hard water.
Radar - feeding and cleaning glass is not a problem! Other maintenance means lifting the lights out of the way and resting on the back of the tank (as in the last few pictures)... ...not really a problem and has the added benefit that you can still clearly see what you are doing in the tank as it is still illuminated from the back.

Also, found out why some of me rummy's were dying... ....neon tetra disease, infected batch from LFS, rest seem fine! :good:

Saboy - the water here in beautiul Devon is near perfect for the species I keep (cardinals, rummys, angels and Rams) very soft and slightly acidic (ph around 6.7). In fact there is a well known UK Discus breeder in Plymouth who attributes some of his success to the local water!

That's why the filter area looks so new.... scum buid-up! It's the same in our Kettle etc. no scale build-up in years. It's a bit of a pain though if you want to have a quick bath... ...takes ages to wash the soap off! :crazy:

Also the sheer quantity of plants I have in there means I have little problems with algea!

Have you any CO2 in there? Are you using EI?

Should be ordering light controller and bulbs tonight!
Radar - Yes have CO2, nutrafin natural system (DIY blend) and yes more or less follow EI priciples of ferts etc!

Ahh, that brill, cause my parents wanna move to devon/cornwall area, so that would be brilliant for my fishkeeping,

Gees, so you can even have discuss in the tap water ! WOW

My water is terrible, ph of 8.0 and very, very hard !

And I like I spending longer in the shower/bath anyway !
Yeah I used to keep fish when younger at my mum and dad's house in the Midlands.... ....water was very hard. Some species (both fish and plants) aclimatise, others real problems!

Not sure the guy at Plymouth Discus uses untreated tap water, but the water quality here is generally very good!

Its a beautiful tank! I'm so jelous!
Thanks Guys for all your lovely comments, much appreciated.

I will be tidying/pruning the tank a little this weekend and will post some updated shots! :hey:


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