Pictures Of My Planted Juwel Rio 125


Fish Fanatic
Jun 13, 2006
Reaction score
Devon, UK
Here's some pictures of my planted Juwel RIO 125

What do you think? I wish I had done a photo journal!


Here's a side on view!



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Gorgeous lush healthy plants and very jungle like looking - really great tank :good:
thats looks great mate any more pics of it ?

have you got the ooriginal filter in there still ?
Thanks Guys!

It's been running now for about 4 months and at the moment contains rummy noses and corys (which have just laid eggs).

Yes the internal is still in there but it is hidden by a"Back to Nature - Rocky Juwel" background. These are expensive but look fantastic and hide all the equipment without taking up too much room. They are also by far the most realistic to look at.

The internal is complimented with a Tetratec EX600 external, replaced the heater with a Tetratec HT100 (the original wasn't heating very well). There is a Rena COR substrate heater, Nutrafin natural CO2 system, and upgraded lighting system (4 x tubes)... ...only the bubble diffuser of that lot is visible, but I quite like the bubbles!! :D

Hope to get some Angels this weekend!

sounds kike a good set up

i have the same tank mine is in for a majour make over this weekend :D
Wow, really, really, really nice! Ive got the same tank, planted and it's not bad but lighting could be better. You said you upgraded the lighting on it? How did you fit more bulbs in it? Or is there a different lid on it (looks like the original lid).
Hi Guys,

Thanks for all your comments.... ....much appreciated!

I thought I would include a picture tonight of my caridnals and rummy's. Got my angels today but still a bit shy and not coming out for photos (well actually not standing still long enough)!

RadaR - the lighting I did as per Jimbo.... .....used a speperate twin tube ballast (on the same timer) and used two metal clips screwed togther per loght set to hold the second tube. the wires are then tidied using cable ties and the cross bar supports the clips and raises the lights! (I can add photos if you want).

The whole assemby really adds very little wieght and lifts easily out of the way. I also use a Juwel reflector on each of the four tubes as they are thinner than the arcadia ones and fit together easily. The lid is the original and still fits perfectly! I also replaced the supplied Juwel tubes with two Arcadia Original Tropical tubes at the back and two Arcadia freshwater at the front. The effect on plant growth is astonishing! I have some amazon frogbit floating on the waters surface to protect the fish from the light intensity (which I have to thin out weekly... grows like wildfire!)

Spiceweasel - fitting the backgroung is a bit of a pain, but worth it! All sides and back need to be siliconed in and the two sections also sealed with silicon. A good tip here is to add some substrate in this gap before the silicon dries... then never see the join! One word of warning where the background goes around the internal filter leaves quite a bit of room - I would not recommed keeping 'jumpy' fish species as they could easily get trapped!

Here the picture of my shoal!



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Ta chris

Why does it have to be siliconed all the way round? I was gonna just put a few blobs on the back. If possible (i know its asking alot) could you post a piccy of the tank from above, so i can see the layout of the background and the gap between filter. I would really appreciate that.


Hi Scot and RadaR,

Sorry, doesn't mean much without photos, I will post some tommrow to help out!

Scot - the back has the be siliconed all the way round so that it lays perfectly flat against the back glass other wise small fish could get in behind and have a miserable existance living (allbeit probably shortly) behind the back ground. The following link will help:


Hi Guys,

Pictures of lighting modification and background as promised yesterday!

Also managed to get a picture of the Angels! :D

Top of tank with covers off


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