pictures of my corn snake


Fish Fanatic
Apr 4, 2005
Reaction score
East Yorkshire-UK
it's a boy and were calling him sid



the others are of him eating his first meal with us :D so i wont post them :lol:

isnt he lovely :wub:
I am not a snake fan anymore, I still think he is cool he looks to be well taken care of. This is in my mind to ask how can you sex a snake??? :dunno:
it's not 100 % acurate but you go by the lenght of the tail this is where it goes from double scales to single, the males tend to have longer tails and the feamle tend to have smaller tails

Its lovely.A new petshop opened in town and has corn snakes for sale and Im very very tempted.
I think in some species you can also evert the cloaca to check.


GORGEOUS snake. It looks well cared for; big and healthy. I wouldn't have minded seeing him eat; I bet he puts on a good show ;)

I want to nom this guy for POTM. The first pic; I love his pose and coloration.
I think he's lovely ^_^ Being a rat lover, I'll never own a snake (because I think it's wrong to not provide them with a good natural diet, but could never feed something I love so dearly to something else, alive OR frozen...) but I still really, really love them :) Your boy is stunning! Good luck with him

And, oh... Thank you for not posting pictures of him eating :)
Nice cornsnake but then i would say that as i've got a few of my own. :*)

Sometimes females have long tails especially amelanistics like yours.Only sure way to find out is get it probed. :)
I wish I could have a snake but I have heard to many romors that they can get out of their cages and crawl into your walls and die. Then they stink up the hole house!

Nice snake Woodie ! Any chance of a close-up ?
Looks like a lovely snake. Like the name too. B)

We're in the same boat with our boa, for now, we assume its male. We may take it to a pro once he's reached sexual maturity, as we'd like to breed it, and have him probed to find out for sure. Until then, its a male.

Would love to see some more shots, maybe some closeups and maybe some enclosure shots? But no eating shots, not everyone on this forum is thrilled by seeing a snake eat (I find it fascinating, but I understand how it can bother some....). Hopefully somewhere down the road, we'll add a nice corn to our reptile collection (if I can convince the fiance that just one more won't take up too much room or cost too much to feed.... ;) )
We're waiting for our first corn snake. A friend's snake laid eggs and they hatched a couple of weeks back. We have a home all ready for one of them,just waiting for it to be feeding properly. Everyone is really excited. Oh,except my 15yr old daughter :) who is not highly impressed :D

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