Pictures Of My 17 Year Old Cat!


Fish Addict
Mar 6, 2005
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i just took some pictures of my 17 year old cat shader :), i will get some more later of her doining funny things or just looking cute (she's always doing funny things):rolleyes: ok here they are enjoy. :thumbs:

Appears she's not in the mood for pictures :rolleyes:

No no no no smile at the camera not my mums dinner you pig, you only just ate!!

Arrrr so cute she's looking at me and sniffing quick take a photo.....................noooooo she moved. Just my luck :lol:

Your getting there Shad all you need to do now is look at the camera. :lol:

Ok i think i'll wait till later to take some more i dont think she's in the mood for pictures at the minute..........................or maybe she's shy. :D

I know this is a bit late but i have a couple of pictures of the outside from out of my window from christmas.

Thanx for looking.
yur cat look pritty good for its age went my friends cats were alive you could tell the were old
thank you Paige for taking the time to upload the pics and post them here.
At least one member out of the 44 that have viewed this (at the time of writing)
does appreciate the effort you have put into it.

Wow! what a beautiful cat
for any pic as they are all great.
Hi,paige What a lovely cat is she a British Blue,she looks like one.My girl is coming up to 17 in July, she is getting a bit wobbly on her pins but otherwise seems fit and happy .
arrrrr thanx wolf, i'll take some more later try and get some good ones. Erm well i'm not sure what kind she is but she's sorta a wild cat. i'll try and explain how she's wild if you want me to
well my mum lost her twins during birth and my dad went to the monks at the monestry (i think thats were it is) and they had these wild cats in there garden and my dad asked if they could catch one for him they said they wouldnt normally do it but because of what happened they would catch one for him. It was a couple of weeks later and they still hadnt catched one and my mum bumped into this man and woman that were about to drown this kitten because no one wanted him, my mum said that they would have him and called him luky they got home and the phone rang and the monks had caught a cat for them, they couldnt say that they had already got one now so they had her and called her shader (with her being gray). and thats it really. ow and shader and lucky had kittens :wub: i'll see if i can find any pictures. sadly we lost lucky and but someone had a poster up saying found cat so my mum and dad went to see and the woman took them to the shed and then showed them a black bag :-( he must of got run over by something. :sad:

ow and i have some more pictures :D




Still not any good ones really, i'll keep trying :)
i'v found some pictures of lucky and shader :wub: and some with there kittens :wub:

Here's Shader and Lucky with there kittens :wub:

Shader and Lucky :wub:

Shader, Lucky and there kittens again :wub:

Here's Lucky :wub:

Lucky when he was a kitten :wub:

This is one of Shader and Lucky's kittens ( this is the one my mum and dad kept) his name was Duster :wub:

Another one of Duster :wub:

Shader and Lucky as kittens playing hide and go peek :wub:

Lucky and his kittens :wub:

And lastly Shader and lucky as kittens, best mates :wub:

Thanx for looking :D

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