Pics of your betta tanks

Gill said:

Gill, you have a male and female in that vase? I don't know how much you know about bettas but that is not a good thing. Things may be fine now, but over time either he will kill her, or she will kill him. You must keep pretty busy though changing all that water every couple days.
Gill said:
Is this a breeding set up you have??
You shouldn't keep males and females together especially in a betta vase.
Even if it was for breeding I don't think it's suitable.
Idolz said:
Gill said:
Is this a breeding set up you have??
You shouldn't keep males and females together especially in a betta vase.
Even if it was for breeding I don't think it's suitable.
i dont think its suitable to keep 2 bettas in a varse :no: or any of those little glasses its not fair and they look so sad. :kewlpics: anyway i cant get any good pics like them :cool: :<
Alex's Daddy, there are two avatars I absolutely adore, and yours is the one I haven't asked that a photo you found, or is that a fish you had?

Pretty new to bettas....but I'm guessing that is a crowntail?

Just curious....I've been admiring that pic!

(MY Alex's mommy) B)
Gill said:
Sorry to jump on the "let's criticise Gill" bandwagon, but I thought paradise gouramis are supposed to be kept in no less than 20 gallons? They get quite a bit bigger than bettas you know -_-
The containers aren't that small. I've seen far smaller. Especially on Ebay. Stop moaning- I'm sure Gill knows perfectly well what he's doing.
Grim Reaper said:
come on people this cant be the only people who have betta tanks keep them pictures caming where is kelly when u need her lol
I'm here,I'm here. It just took me awhile to wander into this thread :look:

Here are some of my veiltail rescue set ups, they're older pics but I still have most of the same fish,with the exception of my beloved Fishy and my purple CT.All have migrated into my bedroom since these photos were taken so that I could do water changes easier. And because I started to accumulate so many that they took over the house :*) I had to stash them out of sight..


I no longer have this big tank though, I tore it down and put it in the breeding room,that shelf now has small veil tanks on top.





Now lets all bash wuv!!! :p
Do you actually have a bedroom or kitchen, or do you just sleep in an old fishtank box and eat fish food? Because it looks like your whole house is one giant betta sanctuary.
GrullaQuarters said:
Alex's Daddy, there are two avatars I absolutely adore, and yours is the one I haven't asked that a photo you found, or is that a fish you had?

Pretty new to bettas....but I'm guessing that is a crowntail?

Just curious....I've been admiring that pic!

(MY Alex's mommy) B)
Thanks! :*) It's a Crown. :thumbs: It's my favorite betta boy, Darken Rahl. He's the one in the 5 gallon in my pics on this thread. He's flaring in that pic too, but the pic is small enough that you can't really see him too good.
and from what i have seen that just her bathroom......were is the fish room wuv as well.... :rofl: :rofl:
OohFeeshy said:
Now lets all bash wuv!!! :p
Do you actually have a bedroom or kitchen, or do you just sleep in an old fishtank box and eat fish food? Because it looks like your whole house is one giant betta sanctuary.
lol. I think if I had the $$ my house would look like that lol. :lol:
Bettaman said:
and from what i have seen that just her bathroom......were is the fish room wuv as well.... :rofl: :rofl:
It's in a thread somewhere :p I'm too lazy to search,but since those in the fishroom are all my babes,they don't technically count as 'bettas'. :p

Now lets all bash wuv!!!
Do you actually have a bedroom or kitchen, or do you just sleep in an old fishtank box and eat fish food? Because it looks like your whole house is one giant betta sanctuary.
I do now, I took my area back :flex: Now I just share my bedroom with a bazillion veils and my L200 tank. I honestly do not have a room without a tank,except for my daughters room and the bathrooms. Although both bathrooms are entirely dedicated to fish products and buckets -_-
that must take alot of ur cleaning all them tanks
You's be surprised at all of the time saving tricks you learn with so many. Water changes are a daily thing around here and they take virtually no time. I can do them during a commercial break :p Or while noodles boil... :whistle:

lol. I think if I had the $$ my house would look like that lol
It's horrible,I did the numbers one time and for the cost of my veil tanks alone (along with plants and such) I could have had a 200 gallon for the same price...
Choose your poison I suppose :p
My wife would kill me if she came home from her 6 month cruise and found our apartment looking like wuv's place! There's 33 tanks just in those pictures!!! We are looking into a bigger 3 bedroom compared to our current 2 bedroom so I'm going to see if I can talk her into letting me have the extra room for a fish room. Well, that is if we don't go through with these plans for another baby. A people baby that is. She won't let me get any more fishy babys. Then again, a crib really doesn't take up too much wall space.............. ;)
AlexsDaddy said:
Then again, a crib really doesn't take up too much wall space.............. ;)
Hahahahaha :rofl:

Better yet... you could just put the crib in the middle of the room, and line the wall with fishies :)

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