Pics Of The 125 Gallon Tank! Sorry It Took So Long:)!


Fish Fanatic
Oct 28, 2006
Reaction score
Phoenix Arizona
Sorry, some of the pics are blurry, I had a hard time trying to get some of the fish to slow down, specially the rts and I had to follow em with the camera which made for some blurry pics:(

1st the tank:

next, the fish:
Yellow Lab


texas cichlid

Melanochromis auratus


Cobalt Blue Cichlid


hmmmm. Not sure on compatibility ect, and I don't even wanna bring up the subject!

It looks nice IMO. Even the bright blue gravel, thanks to your black background, is a complimentary looking substrate.
hmmmm. Not sure on compatibility ect, and I don't even wanna bring up the subject!

It looks nice IMO. Even the bright blue gravel, thanks to your black background, is a complimentary looking substrate.

Thanx for the compliment:) And you are not the 1st to question the compatability of these fish heheh Good news is they have been living togeather for a very substantial amount of time now with zero agression problems towards one another save the RTS and Jack. Not sure what it is but the Red Tail Shark seems to have it in for the poor jack, torpedos him mercelessly every chance he gets:( Good news is, besided the RTS, all the other fish couldnt be getting along better!:)
yes, no matter how I see it, RTS will always be evil to me after my first experince. And False Flying foxes will be the good guys of the West :lol:
yes, no matter how I see it, RTS will always be evil to me after my first experince. And False Flying foxes will be the good guys of the West :lol:

lol yeah, I always get a good laugh when you see RTS listed as good community fish on some of these aquarium website's:) lol yeah sure!
cool tank and fish!! :hyper:
how big is your bala? he may benifit having a friend in there with him as it makes them less skittish.
over all it looks good :good:

how long have you had the auratus.

there probably the most vicious of all african cichlids and mine killed its way through about 8 other cichlids (who are meant to be tough) in about 36 hours.

if youve had him longer than about 18 months then you must have a chilled one but any younger and id keep a serious eye on him.

once they mature there evil as hell.

sorry to ***** but everyone should be warned about these fish.

the other fish look great! the auratus gives me nightmares lol.
Your texas cichlid is actually a green severum.An odd mix of fish for sure but if it works then :good:
cool tank and fish!! :hyper:
how big is your bala? he may benifit having a friend in there with him as it makes them less skittish.
over all it looks good :good:

I did have 2 bala's at one point, the one thats in there now is probably 8 or 9 inches long or so, the other one the RTS killed when he was probably between 3 and 4 inches:( But I know what you are saying, the bala is skidish as hell, when anyone walks up to the tank, he goes flying and usually bonks into the side of the tank somewhere:) Does well with the other fish though:)


how long have you had the auratus.

there probably the most vicious of all african cichlids and mine killed its way through about 8 other cichlids (who are meant to be tough) in about 36 hours.

if youve had him longer than about 18 months then you must have a chilled one but any younger and id keep a serious eye on him.

once they mature there evil as hell.

sorry to ***** but everyone should be warned about these fish.

the other fish look great! the auratus gives me nightmares lol.

Evil as hell ROFL that is awsome, funny stuff:) No Ive actually had him about 6 months, I know when I put him in there the RTS chased him around mercesilly like he is doing with the jack right now. I know the auratus have a bad rap, but he has worked out great so far, I dont know, maybe the fact that one of the other fish established dominance over him early played a factor in his better behavior now, just a guess but its the best Ive got!

Your texas cichlid is actually a green severum.An odd mix of fish for sure but if it works then :good:

Thanx for the correction, I thought they were mislabled at the petstore I bought him at, wasnt sure though!!!!!
yes the texas is a severum......nice tank,,,,,,strange mix :crazy: hows the mix go? this is my severum

Thanx! And its a great mix, I havent had any trouble with any of the cichlids, the RTS has been the only fish in there causing any kind of havoc:)
Nice tank, though i agree interesting aray of fish. Maybe if you bought some fake or real tall plants and put them in the corner to give the bala some cover he wouldn't be so skiddish.

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