Pics Of Some Betta Tanks I Built And Fishroom

Wow, I totally didn't know you were on the forum! :lol:
Well, that I mean is, I hadn't put your face to your username before this thread. Your daughter does indeed have some gorgeous fish. Incase you hadn't placed me, I'm the blondie who had all the teeny tinies in novice (the 2nd and 3rd place winners).

I'm sooo jealous of that setup, makes me wish I had more room to be able to do something like that. Those pics of the discus with fry are so beautiful :wub:
Thanks. Kelly had told me who you were but never really got a chance to talk at the show. I did talk to your mom a little but not to much.

Thanks BIGC! Take it from someone that has been married for 18 works best to let them think they are winning......LOL.

How many little individual betta tanks are there?
How much did all the little individual betta tanks cost It looks cool...
Some fish are pictured more then once and yes my picture taking and my camera both suck.......


luke e we have tanks in the house also. The nice thing about a fishroom is it really saves a lot of time for someone that really raises a lot of fish. This year I have raise 3000+ discus, several hundred killfish and some assorted other types. I do not know how many bettas Jamie has raised but her average spawn is probably 250 fry and she has had secveral this year.


OOOO...Thats almost a billion if you imagine it :D must be a great for you and your daughter to work on together. Shes very responsible! :nod: .

Nice set up John. Jamie I am jealous. I am still doing manual water changes.

John that is a great job would you like to come to Ky to fix my room for bettas, You have some very pretty fish I love the fry, I just love the room also , Great work.. :D
Thanks everyone. I wanted to add that the way the tanks are made they can be anywhere from 3 to 12 compartments per tank. the black "gate" can be slid out. The 2 white "gates" are there for support to prevent spreading.

Thanks everyone. I wanted to add that the way the tanks are made they can be anywhere from 3 to 12 compartments per tank. the black "gate" can be slid out. The 2 white "gates" are there for support to prevent spreading.


Wally and I talked about it last night and we thought this might be a fun group project in the future, provided we all supply our own acrylic (or Igor can go dumpster diving at his workplace and grab all he can for the rest of us). Mmmhmm, prepare to guide us, John. Prepare to guide us B)
No problem. We would need to have the meeting at either D'Wyatt or my place. I think the library would get concerned if we brought a table saw in........

Good point, I was thinking it would be perfect since we'd all have our own table space to work with. Maybe if we kept the saw outside or something. We'll figure something out, it will be good to do over the winter.
Kellt when you are making one of these tanks the "glue" is not really clue. What it does is melt the acrylic. You really need to do this project outside. If we tried to do this inside the library they would run us out. Catch a ride with Wally and come over to our side of the world....LOL.

heh heh, that would probably be fun :)
But you're right. If it's an outside project we might need to do this sooner than later. It looks like the summer weather is heading our way again anyway :rolleyes:
Kelly the killifish club will be having a meeting here at the house on the 19th (yea I am on the board of it also...LOL) so if you want to try to setup something with the other betta folks we might could do something on that day.


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