pics of opaque and possible spawn partners

nibbles said:
then how did yellow bettas become yellow ?

a mix between what.. white and something else??

ive always been interested in genetics.. i wonder if anyone has a site about them..

bkk has sites for everything .. bbk enlighten us with a site :D
"Yellows and oranegs" are also called red loss bettas which mean they sometimes come otuta a spawn of red bettas and its very rare to get 2 of these in a single spawn not to mention one and thats why its hard to get the "yellow and orange" when you breed em learned that from julie too!
i thought red loss was a gene trait.. that is passed one.. red bettas will sometimes become a lighter shade of red.. my DT CT has it and is sometimes pretty red, and other times almost a white color..

hmm.. i wonder i wonder..

maybe if i try my opaque and the yellow ill mostly get opaques.. which would be interesting.. i posted on another site that has a lot of good ppl that know a lot about genetics.. ill wait and see what they say also..

im not gonna breed em for a few weeks.. im going into a 'spawn school' on a diff site :eek: gasp :eek: ..

we'll see what happens
Thank you betta_lova. :nod: The info he has given you is correct. Red loss can cause bettas to get lighter as they age, but it's used in a different way when describing orange or yellow bettas. They have complete red loss at birth, which means the underlying color shows through. That's why often orange or yellow bettas look somewhat "see-through". :thumbs: So oranges and yellows have decended from red, not white.

I would probably breed the opaque with the yellow, so that you'll know what you'll get. That way you will probably end up with mostly opaques, depending on the male's genetic background.
hm hm hm hm .. i still have a few weeks before im gonna giver.. so i can see what everyone says..

i was thinking those 2 at first.. cause i did think that the yellow would give me something close to opaque.. didnt know about the whole red loss dillio..

the opaque is from marianne at bcbettas.. has some red wash . . hmm..
indeed.. when i was asking someone about my brown plakat with my red ct female they said ill get reds and blues and all sorts of multi colored ones :S
certain traits are dominant, some are reccessive... thats the basis of it i think.. learning which traits are dominant and which are reccessive.. then you gotta learn the color scheme of things too
lol i wish there was just a single site with all that stuff put real simple. iv been to all kinds of betta genetics sites and they all tell me differant stuff :crazy:
yea.. thats why i asked bkk, but he hasnt read the topic yet im guessing :S
Excuse me, but where did you get that boy at? He is amazing, I really really really really like him. Apart from that, I would do yellow, as I have just learned that white dominates yellow, and you will end up with some opaques. Dibs!
:D that wat i was thinkin, Bl was goin on about how hard yellow was to carry over throgh breeding. but i mean there is a chance that the yellow will carry and if not u still got those white bettas, and they're awsome to. ( i have absolutely no idea wether anything BL says anymore is tru or not so dont count on that lil bit of info :D )

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