Great! I look forward to seeing the post. I imagine mine will be young juvie fry, so I won't be able to tell a thing. Besides as we all know I am not good at IDs from pics. I saw some peppers with longer fins at the lps a year or so ago, and I have 2 stock together in my tank. One group has a longer fin. But I am fairly sure they have all been a variety of C. paleatus.
On another note and off topic, I am sorry about all the troubles. The best advice is "Let Go, and Let God!" Take his hand and sing psalms and songs of praise, prayer and worship. It is the only thing that has worked for me through many trials, including a diagnosis of incurable liver disease. All of the suggestions that you have been given as the cause of the fish trouble, I have had at one time or another, and they were all incorrect. The fish troubles have always come down to much more common troubles and usually due to my ignorance in good husbandry.
When the enemy tells you all the bad accusatory things and threatens you with terrible punishment, tell him to "Butt out!" It is none of his business.
The fear and stress will do more damage than anything else. They hinder recovery and solutions.
What you are going through with the fish, we all go through at one time or another. We learn to take it one issue at a time and best! One Day At A Time, to quote our friend Bill with the Big Blue Book--or the hymn.
But on a better note:
