Disease Identification (with pics)

Yeah, I understand about the clear and clean water not being perfect, but I haven’t really had issues with it before. Thanks for the reply.
https://streamable.com/uyrvt5 here’s a link to the video I just took and an uploaded photo of it this morning. I’ll probably euthanise it this afternoon if someone can confirm it is incurable.


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Yeah, I understand about the clear and clean water not being perfect, but I haven’t really had issues with it before. Thanks for the reply.
https://streamable.com/uyrvt5 here’s a link to the video I just took and an uploaded photo of it this morning. I’ll probably euthanise it this afternoon if someone can confirm it is incurable.

I can’t tell exactly what caused the disease, but when a fish swims like that, it won’t recover.
I don’t think it will live for longer than another 1 or 2 days, less when kept in a small container due to the lack of oxygen.

If you use clove oil, make sure that you don’t use the container you euthanise the fish in for any other aquarium purpose as the residue from the oil could kill your other fish.

Sorry for the bad news, we all lose a few fish along the way. Don’t be discouraged.
Alright, I think this thread might be at a close.

The fish died- Came home to euthanise it this afternoon (I was out when your messages arrived, so I couldn’t do it strait away, although I was planning to anyway if no-one could offer a cure) but it was already dead. RIP bud. :(
None of the other fish have any similar symptoms, which is great, so I’m agreeing with Colin and GaryE that it was an internal infection/parasite. Hopefully this won’t be encountered in the future (although, I would like to ask, how did it get there? I don’t want to come across it again).

From now on thanks to all your amazing advice I’ll attempt 50% (or more, if I can) wc each week, using any (clean and uncontaminated) water I can get from where it would be wasted (waiting for the shower to heat up etc.)

Thank you all for your speedy and helpful responses and I hope I can soon become a helpful and educated member of this forum! (I’ll get there eventually ;))
If it's an intestinal worm that got lost, they get into the fish at the fish farms through animal waste that washes into the rearing ponds or the live food ponds. The fish get it from there and the worm sits in the fish until it decides to pop out, which can be a couple of months after it was infected, or years later. I have seen fish with worms in their muscle tissue and they had them for years and the worms did nothing.

If it was from something else, it was again probably from the fish farm unless you feed live foods that are collected from lakes and ponds that are frequented by water birds, or if you use a poor quality frozen food that is contaminated by something.

Just monitor the remaining fish and see how they go. If any start acting odd, start a new thread and post pictures and video asap.


If you can do a big water change each week it will help keep the tank cleaner, but obviously having a limited water supply makes things difficult. If you can't do it once a week, do a 75-80% water change once every 2 weeks.

The water quality and tank have nothing to do with the fish dying.

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