Pics! Of My Replacement Shipment I Got From Frank


Fish Connoisseur
Jun 18, 2005
Reaction score
Fresno, CA
I got my replacements from Frank. I believe there were 3 x black (make 5 all together), 5 x S. prionotos, and 3 x C118 (Aspidoras). I can't really see well because they are very busy and I can't tell if any are hiding. But that is what I am counting now.

The tank has become very active with the addition of the blacks. They are very active fish and have most of the fry dancing. There are 2 or 3 of my juvies that are big enough to move to larger quarters. That will give all a bit more room. But they all look good and strong. They seem to be doing well. Everyone is crowding in the bubbles, even the prionotos and the Aspidoras.

There are no pictures for now. I have way too much maintenance backed up to do.

There is one note of interest. I won't prolong it into a big story to annoy anyone. I get a refund on my Fed Ex Priority guranteed delivery by 10:30 am--one more time! They arrived at 12 noon, so $104 shipping will be refunded to Frank. It was not a problem for the fish. Their water was still crystal, and they were active out of the bag. I hit one with a hammer just to test Frank's assertion that you can't kill them with a hammer. The fish just looked at me and swam off to join his mates. :wub:

I recieve as many refunds from the shippers as not for late deliveries.
I now have taken Frank's 1 hour auctions of the 6 C. longipinnus and the 5 S. prionotos to add to the 5 I got today. I had an interest in the wild long fin longipinnus formerly cf. C. paleatus, I think. So when I stopped impulsively to look at the offerings, I saw that I had stopped by fortuatously just as the auction was being posted. It seemed like an opportunity not to be missed. :rolleyes:

Ooops! I got the Scleromystax and the Aspidoras confused. I thought I was bidding on 5 x C118 to add to the 3 I got today. So now I will have 10 happy Scleromystax. :D
You sure have been getting a lot of cories lately. Any idea how many species you are up to now?

Do you plan on seperating the S. prionotos?

Nice pick up one the Corydoras longipinnis :good:
This is really good news! Now if they will just hurry up and get big enough to breed... :drool:

Maybe by then I will have tank issue sorted... :sick:

Get your stuff done soon so I can see the new additions. :wub:
Hi Barracuda! Yes Lots of fish! ha! Actually most of the fish are listed in my profile. It needs a little up dating. Some are moved to different tanks and some are new. I don't give the numbers, because I don't know on some of them. I don't remember numbers well, and I can't count fish well either) and don't want to deal with complaints of my overstocking. 8)

Why do you ask about separating the prionotos? Actually I wanted to increase the Aspidoras. There are only 3, and I find them interesting and unusual. But happy prionotos will be compensation.

ICEEGRL: It is my understanding from a post of Ian's that the blacks take a long time to mature and spawn.
My new lovelies that Frank was kind enough to send me. He refused payment and replaced even the fish that he gave me free in the first place! How generous can a fishy Coriologist be?









I will add captions tonight. See if you can find the lovely healthy fish that Frank went waaay above and beyond to get to me!
My new lovelies that Frank was kind enough to send me. He refused payment and replaced even the fish that he gave me free in the first place! How generous can a fishy Coriologist be?
I will add captions tonight. See if you can find the lovely healthy fish that Frank went waaay above and beyond to get to me!
WOW!!! Nice pictures of really nice fish. That Coryologist seems like a decent chap, alright. :hyper:
I'm not sure? Which is nicer? The fish or the Coriologist?

Does flattery get me anything?

Like maybe a shot at those C. teniente in the same shipment to partner with my C. wietzmani, if I should be so lucky?
C. teniente up for auction by the Coriologist on AB

Really these fish are gorgeous. I really lucked out getting on Frank's customer list! I hope I can stay there. Do you accept chocolate bribes, Frank?

I have decided that the fish speak for themselves and don't need captions.

[Forgive the water spot smudges on the tank. They have marred some of the shots. :( ]
:drool: :drool: :drool:
I am so in love! :drool: :wub: :wub:
I really need some of those blacks! How much longer does it take for them to start breeding?
How big are your new ones?

Those would look really good in the tank with my lf albino peppers. :wub:
Great pics!
The black ones are: the blacks. lol I believe they are designated as a C. shultzei. They were developed by a Europian breeder, I think , in Czechoslovakia. Hopefully, I will be corrected if I got it wrong.

Alex and Carmen got some from Sp00ky in the UK. They have some pics posted here too. The blacks only partially interested me to begin with, but now I find them truly stunning. They are one of the most active Corys I have too. Very busy and swimming around. I think they would be very attractive in a well planted tank.

All of those are around an inch or less. The Aspidoras, the little spotted ones with the sly eyes, are the smallest. (Some of my baby fry in there are smaller, and the sterbai are a bit larger.) A couple of the S. prionotos are larger. You might have to lop off their tails to keep them under an inch.

Frank is really an accomplished breeder and has sent me some remarkable fish. I look forward to the next shipment Thursday morning: 5 of the natural long fin pepper-like C. longpinnus and 5 more prionotos.

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