pics of my new fishies


New Member
Jun 7, 2005
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virginia beach,va
ok i tried to take pictures of my new fishies and they didnt turn out great but theyre alright!!!

i need help finding names for my boys so any suggestions would be great!!

heres the turqouise i won on aquabid

heres a pic of him without the flash


this isnt the greatest pic of him and his stress lines have gone away

here is the cellophane male i won

here is a red double tail i was given as extra!!!

here is the red st male


any suggestions on names and i will post better pics when i get the hang of it!!!
here are the girls

this is rose, i think she is my favorite, she is gorgous and likes to eat from my finger

she is a double tail, i dont know if you can tell from the photo

this is her sister daisy

these are the two girls from the same spawn as the cellophane and turquoise males

this is violet

and this is hyacinth

now heres the question- which do i breed first :)
:drool: they're all sooo pretty! I completely feel your pain with camera problems... ughha....

I luurve Hyacinth. I say, breed Hyacinth and the Turquoise boy. then send me the babies :wub:
i definitely need to learn how to post the pics bigger so everyone can see them better!!

and yeah i was thinking of putting the two turquoise ones together!!!

i hope their babies will be as cute as your little guys!!
yaaah someone got my reference!!!!!

i have a corderoy jacket that i sew patches on and i put a gizmo (gremlins) patch on and i swear it was two months before one of the kids where i work recognized it, usually they say "furby"

so this was a record!! thanx
lol it just surprised me more than anything- I usually don't run into many people who watch it, so I was almost ready to think it was a coincidence, except for 'hyacinth' ;) I figured if you were just after flower names you'd have gone with lily or something :p
any ideas on names for the boys???

i have been thinking about calling the cellophane one titus (T for short), he likes to play tough guy and show off!!

i have been calling the teal one pippin and he perks up when he hears that name so i think thats a winner!!

i really need ideas on the two red guys, the red double tail is the pretty boy of the bunch always showing off his fins and dancing around and the single tail is kinda the lazy one, just hangs out at the bottom of his bowl and is not interested in too much!!

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