Pics of my discus and updates of the tank =)

do you think my gouramis will last with these guys...

8 zebra danios
5 clown loach
8 tiger barbs
3 ud cats
1 gibbi plec...(gonna trade when it gets big..)

i mean the sparkers are kida small -_-
check out my updates!


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now i will be posting 4 pics of the inside of my tank from left to right :nod:


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also can someone id my plec?

Link to pics

is it a gibbi or comon or something else?? (no they ain't the same)

EDIT: i'll post a pic too..


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here's how.. (i copied it from another thread)

i cycled my tank in 6 days

here is what i did, it is a cycle with fish btw..

1.i took 50% gravel from both my 10 gallon tanks, fill it backup with new gravel
2. i put the old gravel in my new tank as the "bottom layer" then i put the new gravel on top.
3. I also took everything out of one of my 10g tank to my new tank too,(everything as in EVERYTHING..) so the tank can be a breeding tank now for my baby fish
4.brought 8 zebra danio, 4 sparkling gourami (no fish deaths)
5. wait 2 days and the tank was cycled. :lol:

now i have

5 clown loaches
8 zebra danio
4 sparkling gouramis
2 cories'
1 pleco

EDIT: i also used some cycle from hagen (worked like a charm even tho some ppl say it sucks..)
arg, i wanted to add a angel too but oh well i guess i cant casue of the danios >.<


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kevin007 said:
arg, i wanted to add a angel too but oh well i guess i cant casue of the danios >.<
As far as I know danios aren't too too nippy... if the gouramis are fine with them then the angels should be too. The tiger barbs, however, are a different story... I would advise against them.
David said:
kevin007 said:
arg, i wanted to add a angel too but oh well i guess i cant casue of the danios >.<
As far as I know danios aren't too too nippy... if the gouramis are fine with them then the angels should be too. The tiger barbs, however, are a different story... I would advise against them.
well i added the 4 angel fish and i got no tiger barbs so it should be ok :thumbs:
great pics :thumbs:

lol took me a while to find your plec :thumbs: :*) :p

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