Pics of my discus and updates of the tank =)


check out these lil guys first, then the new pics of my tank :p

sparkling gourami :wub:


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My 55 gallon tank temporary set's pretty nice :D

Edit: by what i mean temporary, i mean it will gett better :D


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fufanu360 said:
wow sweet setup, u should get some floating plants to fill in the top part of the tank :nod:
yup i was thinking bout that, now i'm thinking of leaving it like that so i can see top swimming fish stand out...or..i can fill it up with floating platns...desisions..
well if u get top swimming fish then i would suggest geting some floating plants becuase they need somthign to hide in too, but either way it would be okay i think they would look nice tho :nod:
Oh kevin, those sparkling gouramis are beautiful! :hyper: :wub: And those Clowns? Adorable. :wub: :wub:

The tank looks great too. I can't wait to see it when you get it finished. I kow it's going to be beautiful. :thumbs:

thanks for the complements!

i added some stones (big) to create a sorta "playground" for my gouramis, they are so cute! :wub:

i'll post pics later :nod:

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