Pics Of My Beautiful Bettas

ok so aquarium salts? and whats the procedure to administering, do you just add it and then clean the tank and add it again for a week?
well i did daily water changes anyway so i added half a teaspoon of aquarium/tonic salts and i also added a bit of methylene blue to the water. Stained the critter keeper but after a good scrub it came off. Oh and yeah i did it for 1 week and clear fin had come back :)

Anything else you wna know?

nope I'm good, Off to find some aquarium salt and meth. Blue

Edit: Wait one more question, can I use sea salt?
Ok, glad to be of help :) i always find that if in doubt a little salt and methylene blue can do the trick more often than not!

Little help with the last thing since we posted at the same time. and thanks for the help, probably wouldnt have thought the white tipping was fin rot, just thought it was his colouration.
No wait BW concentrate on the "Can I use Sea salt" part :lol:
not nescaserily.. damn i cant spell that word no matter how hard i try. it can still stay there depending on how far and early its treated :)

When fin rot hit one of my bettas it consumed half of his tail overnight. It COULD be that fast.

Well, how long have the white tips been there, Loko17?

PS: It's 'necessarily'. :hey:

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