Pics Of My Beautiful Bettas


Fish Addict
May 28, 2006
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First and last is my CT male, Look how long his ventrals are :lol:

Second is my CT Female, the pics suck but she's really small and her fins are red and tipped with blue and she has a blue sheen.

Third and fourth is my DT HM. He's so awesome, I think he's even got some butterfly gene in him because of his ventrals.
Hope you enjoy, Sorry about pic quality.
Aah my combtail has longer ventrals lol!! Nice fishees!! although i cant see the female very well in the picture!

Yea, I know, I'll probably try to get some better pics of her later, on my way to a party now. :hey:
the ct male looks cool! i had a ct female .... but 3 days after i got her she jumped out of her tank over night, dried up, and died -_- damnit
yea, I'm paranoid about that kind of stuff, If theres just like a little crack in the back where I think they can get out I like cover it totally. Its too bad about your Girl :sad:
I dont really call them by there names I just call them what they are but the CT Males name is Magnus which means large in latin. The Female CT's name is Iris which means rainbow in latin. and the DT HM's name is Maximilian which means like the great one in latin. I wish I could get clear pics like synirr does of his bettas...
Lol, dont i sound stupid, Spelling mistake I knew she's a she

Ok got better pics of my DT HM and the girl
First is the DT HM

CT Girl, Shows her beautiful Green Sheen :hey:





First and last is my CT male, Look how long his ventrals are :lol:

Second is my CT Female, the pics suck but she's really small and her fins are red and tipped with blue and she has a blue sheen.

Third and fourth is my DT HM. He's so awesome, I think he's even got some butterfly gene in him because of his ventrals.
Hope you enjoy, Sorry about pic quality.

the top and bottom ones hav tail and fin rot..poor fish :( :sad:
No his fins are fine its just the pic, they actually have gotten better since I got him I think he was going through it and when I brought him home and kept his water super clean it cleared up, I might try to take a better pic of him now that I've gotten the hang of takin pictures kind of like synirr takes "HER" pictures :lol:

Edit: Oh wait a minute, he does have some white on his top fins. What is this, is it a type of fin rot?
:lol: :lol: LOL, i still think he may have it. In my experience any fish i've had who got finrot never ever healed with just clean water, i did daily changes but nothing worked. one teaspoon of tonic salts for a week got rid of it :)


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