I noticed one of my fry (one of my smallest ones), can't seem to stay "down". He/she (not sure yet, as they are only 3 weeks old) stays just under the surface for the most part, but takes a couple "attempted sprints" to go down, but just floats back up.
I feel bad for the fry, as the microworms are on the bottom and he/she cannot get to them. I believe he/she is just eating whatever infusoria/bugs in the ricca I have floating in there, as I notice he/she hangs around the floating plant alot.
The fry is quite small, but I used a magnifying glass to get a closer look, and it doesn't seem to be swimming on it's side or anything (was checking to see if it was swim bladder disorder or something)...then again, it's hard to see.
Any ideas?