Pics Needed

Feel free to use any of the pics I have posted on here or on my website.


Thanks alot mate, really sweet website you have there :) and some great pics that will be really helpful for the site. I'll add a link to your site when i get round to it :thumbs:

Thanks again
:lol: of course you will, i'll add your forum names and send them here so you can get harrased with questions on the pics :lol:

Thanks Aquascaper :thumbs:
some pics for you sf05


Thanks alot Maidenfan :)

Now if i could just get started.......... i'm bogged down with assignments ATM but i will get them out of the way and get re-started. Keep bombarding me wth pics people, they really are appreciated :thumbs:

Dan :)
Cheers Mr M :) I sure will!

Thanks alot for all your support guys, i don't expect the site to be anything special but it will be a fun little project when i get around with it. :look::lol:
Cheers smithrc :D

Everyone is getting great pics fo hermits for me :D Gonna be to choose between them :S

I'm using all of tommorow to finsih off all of my assignments, so that should free up any spare time that i'm sober for the website :lol:

Thanks alot peeps (Especially other types of cleaner :hey:)

Dan :)
Feel free to use my Pics (If they are up to standard) Dan & give me a shout if you need any others

Remember to send me a link to the site


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